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Careful Ice Fishing Guys....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Guys I know we have had some cold nights, but one or two warm days will make ice unsafe.... Was just reading an article where 2 elderly guys ventured out on a local lake near me ice fishing..
Both went through the ice and drowned... So sad, BUT SO STUPID... USE COMMON SENSE....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It’s really unfortunate, the number of people who simply refuse to give the ice the respect that it deserves. We are reminded of it every year with countless stories like the one you just shared. So sad.

People, if you’re new to ice fishing, invest in a quality float suit, a spud bar, and ice picks… and learn how to use all three. Use common sense and have a plan, not just how to go out and fish, but also how to respond if shit goes wrong.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Sad news and a terrifying way to leave this earth.
Yeh.... What a way for their families to start the new year... One guy in his 70's and the other in his 60's... Ya think they would have known better... I stay off of frozen lakes, never took up ice fishing.... So Sad..



Senior Member
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Walbridge oh
I pulled a old guy out of the water at east harbor a few years back. He was in close and walked out to see how I was doing. He took two steps away from my shanty and went through. I dropped crawled to him got his hand and pulled him up on the ice. The whole way of getting him to his truck he's telling me to be careful. Every year since I look for his truck but never seen him again. Either scared shitless or the wife put a stop to him going. That harbor has more current and thin spots that I will never go by myself again.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I pulled a old guy out of the water at east harbor a few years back. He was in close and walked out to see how I was doing. He took two steps away from my shanty and went through. I dropped crawled to him got his hand and pulled him up on the ice. The whole way of getting him to his truck he's telling me to be careful. Every year since I look for his truck but never seen him again. Either scared shitless or the wife put a stop to him going. That harbor has more current and thin spots that I will never go by myself again.
I'd have a 12 ft 2x4 strapped to my waist... Nope... You guys can keep your ice fishing....
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Dignitary Member
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Up Nort
I respect it so much I won’t go out on it…. All those years as a kid ice skating creeks and falling through. Wasn’t but a couple feet deep, but sure was a cold walk home…
Same. I had a close call the ONE time I was on Erie.


Supporting Member
Ross County
I grew up around large bodies of water all my young life. I have had countless times of nearly drowning, just too many to bring up. Nearly lost my brother Danny if it were not for my father coming to the rescue. I am not afraid of ice or water, however, I respect the lakes, rivers, creeks, streams, damns more than most anything else on the face of the earth currently because of where I live.

Living on water or near Mother Earth's waters has taught me so much about our world, and I've always fantasized of jumping on one of the boats and go anywhere I wanted to in the world, right from our backyard, launching right from off our dock.

Since I lost my real mother tragically as a young boy, I treat our home lake as if it were my own mother, as crazy or nuts as that may sound, but it's true. That attitude got me through the tragic loss of my mother far easier than anything, or anyone in my life, hands down.

Anyhow, I love Oneida Lake with all her glory and blessings, and I try to get back to see her every year.

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Active Member
I'm in the same boat as some of the others , had some great memories as a kid ice fishing with uncle's. Also have some bad memories as a kid messing around with other kids on frozen or so we though cricks and rivers. I'll gladly wait until spring time for fish. I may be a wuss in some locals eyes but even young in my 30s I wouldn't dare do half the shit on water that I did In my early teens and 20s 😬 I'll stand on the front line in any war time event but I'll be dam**d if I go out and mess around on ice on a river that you can sweep the snow away and see the water roaring full force after a recent flood before the freeze.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Go ask an Eskimo if driving a car is dangerous. Ask a cowboy to ride in a plane. Ask a guy to wear a towel on his head and a backpack in the mall. It's all about what you know and are comfortable with. Everything we do is dangerous and should be respected at its own level. The flip of that is that every level will have a few idiots that make it look bad. Enjoy the outdoors or whatever else you do in life, just don't be an idiot.