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Changing opening day!


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
Open the season the Saturday after thanksgiving so many more Ohioans can hunt opening day. People visiting the family farm for thanksgiving my be more inclined to hunt being home for the holiday. Many people wouldn't have to request work leave. Some traditions can change if for the better.......I suggest this every year on the year end survey and see others must be thinking the same thing as it was a question for the masses the odnr mentioned. This will get some flack on this forum for the break of tradition, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease... Anyone want to make a better change? A couple more days for traditions to continue to grow maybe get more hunters involved?


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
X 2.

We have enough opportunities to kill deer as is, plus I like having the weekend to prep. The weekend before is as much tradition as opening day for my family.
Prep on Friday haha I get it. Take away two day bonus season if it's the opportunity issue id enjoy 3 weekends of gun law though.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No thanks. I like it just the way it is. It never stopped people from killing a gajillion deer 15-20 years ago. Why change it now? If people wanted to hunt opening day of gun season, they’d take a vacation day on Monday, instead of all throughout bow season and the rut.


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
why do you all enjoy the Monday opener????? 1)tradition 2)weekend prior to prep and travel 3) if you still work, your not working everybody enjoys a vacation day 4)fewer hunters in the woods than a Saturday opener!


Junior Member
I’m a fan of leaving as is.

There is plenty of opportunity already. Saturday of gun week sees a good bit of pressure, but Sunday is void of hunters for the most part. If folks really needed more weekend time to gun hunt, they would be utilizing the Sunday(s) of gun season(s)... and they do not.


Dignitary Member
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NE Ohio
All the yahoo’s pounding a Saturday/Sunday opener would drive everything nocturnal and make the rest of the week much less productive.

Leave things alone.


Senior Member
Supporting Member

If that link doesn't open: How about...No.. No way... I haven't hunted Ohio in awhile, so I have no dog in this fight, but why change opening day to Sat??? What are the pros vs the cons...Only advantage goes to the kids... Being raised in a big hunting family the kids were always rewarded with hunting days off from school "IF" they had good grades... The key word here is "IF".... Let them earn it....
Having opening day on Monday let's you enjoy the Biggest Holiday of the year.... Alot of tradition has been built around this week leading up to opening day... Pa. just changed their opening day to Sat. A friend was told by his wife: You lucked out this year due to Covid.. Since my parents aren't comming up from Florida for Thanksgiving you can leave for deer camp Fri... Pull this shit next year and locks will be changed when you come home... And she supports his hunting 100%... She's just not changing her holiday tradition, cause someone wants a Sat. opener... So let's keep some traditions as they are...
Did I say...... NO!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
I told my boss in a text today, do what u gotta do I'm not working tomorrow. I just don't get it though why start a season on a Monday? Let's move all the openers to Monday so everyone has to take work off.....never understood it. lets go that way for you Monday lovers, open bow season first Monday in October. Monday Tuesday before thanksgiving youth. Monday adult gun. Monday Tuesday bonus gun. Monday-Thursday muzzy season. Ohio the Monday state. I'm joking but have fought the Monday opener with employers since I've been 19 and just think the Monday opener is tradition only based since we followed PA s lead from the get go. I hope we follow them again. Rant over I don't have to work tomorrow!!! Maybe longer than that haha
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Senior Member
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I told my boss in a text today, do what u gotta do I'm not working tomorrow. I just don't get it though why start a season on a Monday? Let's move all the openers to Monday so everyone has to take work off.....never understood it. lets go that way for you Monday lovers, open bow season first Monday in October. Monday Tuesday before thanksgiving youth. Monday adult gun. Monday Tuesday bonus gun. Monday-Thursday muzzy season. Ohio the Monday state. I'm joking but have fought the Monday opener with employers since I've been 19 and just think the Monday opener is tradition only based since we followed PA s lead from the get go. I hope we follow them again. Rant over I don't have to work tomorrow!!! Maybe longer than that haha
Wait a minute..... You just texted him TODAY.... Where you been all year???? I always put my hunting vacation in a year ahead.... Only once did I get any static about it and that was about a week before Pa. gun season.. I was young and went and punched out that day and said BYE... Good Luck Monday....
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Well-Known Member
Nw oh
Wait a minute..... You just texted him TODAY.... Where you been all year???? I always put my hunting vacation in a year ahead.... Only once did I get any static about it and that was about a week before Pa. gun season.. I was young and went and punched out that day and said BYE... Good Luck Monday....
I've told them over a month ago. its not like an office or factory putting in vacation time. They know I'm hunting and just give me shit every year. Doesn't matter the contractor they will give you shit for taking a day after just having the last four off....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Reminds me of the book "If you give a pig a party" chances are she'll want some balloons, and if you give her some balloons, shell want to decorate the house. Just be happy they added a bonus gun season and they legalised those stupid rifles for "gun law"

I seem to remember reading an article from the ODNR regarding this very subject and why they don't open it on a weekend. I believe the basic premise was it did not show and increase in participation, but did show an economic impact as people were far more likely to hunt the opening 2 to 3 days and then go back to work. Whereas opening it on a Monday had individuals hunting more because they were more likely to take off the entire week. Or at least take off Monday Tuesday and hunt again on Saturday and Sunday. This lead to better spending in local economies that have traditionally relied on gun season to make a large portion of their money.
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Senior Member
why do you all enjoy the Monday opener????? 1)tradition 2)weekend prior to prep and travel 3) if you still work, your not working everybody enjoys a vacation day 4)fewer hunters in the woods than a Saturday opener!

because I've arranged my life and priorities around hunting for the last 30 years. I do what I have to do so I can hunt as much as I want to. I hate hunting on weekends with all the weekend warriors. being the selfish prick that I am, I prefer to have the woods to myself. that is much easier for me now that I have my own place. more importantly, Bowkills, I'm a bow and arrow hunter first and foremost, so I don't want to give up two more, often very productive, days of archery hunting so a few people can gun hunt more. I've seen 50 deer from stand in the last two mornings.


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
Reminds me of the book "If you give a pig a party" chances are she'll want some balloons, and if you give her some balloons, shell want to decorate the house. Just be happy they added a bonus gun season and they legalised those stupid rifles for "gun law"

I seem to remember reading an article from the ODNR regarding this very subject and why they don't open it on a weekend. I believe the basic premise was it did not show and increase in participation, but did show an economic impact as people were far more likely to hunt the opening 2 to 3 days and then go back to work. Whereas opening it on a Monday had individuals hunting more because they were more likely to take off the entire week. Or at least take off Monday Tuesday and hunt again on Saturday and Sunday. This lead to better spending in local economies that have traditionally relied on gun season to make a large portion of their money.
Thank u some info behind it. Just trying to get my head wrapped around why someone picked a Monday in the first place. I know I'm not the only person to gripe on this topic if pa changed its either to get participation up or people wanting change.