It's coming together! Molly is getting better each time out and I'm confident she's going to be a solid dog by the time her prime years roll around. She's 2 1/2 now and is doing so much better than last year. As soon as she can figure out the twists and turns bunnies can throw at her he will be set. Today she had 4 runs. We had one good shot opportunity and I tried to get Kody the shot and the bunny bolted before he got into position. Dang thing was sitting there looking at me. Lol
Here's a small snippet of her first run.
Oh I LOVE her voice!!!! So much fun being out there listening to the hounds.
After a long work week, I got my two out for 3 1/2 hours yesterday. Lots of flooded ground everywhere. The dogs did well at the beginning, but started having problems as the day went on and temperatures started to drop. Whenever a rabbit crossed through some standing water (and there was a lot of that) they would have difficulty staying on track. They would figure it out, but it was slow going. I did not carry a gun so I was just a long for the fun. At one spot I sat down on a downed tree limb and watched the dogs bring a young rabbit round 5 times before it was able to switch things up and confused the dogs. Then it headed into a place on our farm we call "the old dump" because that's what it is. We don't use the dump, but it was there when we bought the farm. Lots of holes (and groundhog heaven in the summer). Well, we had a good time. They ran 4 different rabbits total. This week will be the annual family and friends rabbit hunt probably either Thursday and/or Friday. I SO look forward to this hunt every year. If everyone shows up, we will have 7 beagles running round about. Total chaos and a whole lot of fun.
Here is the view I had as the dogs ran the rabbit round by me 5 times yesterday.