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Condolences to "Little King's" family


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Today, I learned of a tragedy. One of the guys I went to school with and had bottle rocket wars with in junior high was killed in a car crash. While I hadn't talked to Dave in probably 20yrs or maybe even longer, he was always a good dude and likeable guy.

What does this have to do with TOO? His younger brother is a member of our site. I wanted to express my condolences to the friends and family of Dave, and specifically his younger brother, Littleking. I worked with Dave and Littleking's dad at UPS for 6 years. I have always had a lot of respect for the family and I am sure Dave will be missed by many.

If you need anything Eric, feel free to shoot me a PM and I will get my cell number to you.

Your family will be in my prayers.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Man. As soon as i saw the name I recognized it.. Let us know if you need anything bud.


Junior Member
Sorry to hear about your loss. His family and friends will be included in my prayers.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Prayers sent for LittleKing and his family. Hate to hear about things like this, especially dyuring the holidays.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Does Littleking have the Huntohio.com site???? Man sorry to hear of his loss.....

I am not sure J. I know he has a website of some sort if not mistaken. Avid outdoorsman with a love for his bird dogs. I think he does some deer and turkey hunting too, but pretty sure running his dogs is his main passion. Either way, he is a brother in the outdoors. I don't care if he hunts deer, turkey, birds, or goats. He is a fellow sportsman! Just sad to hear about Dave leaving us early.

Thanks for all the support guys. I know Littleking isn't on here often, but whenever he gets on here I am sure he will appreciate all the support and prayers.