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Corn and beans are coming off !!

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
Corns and beans are coming off around me for the past two days and no its not silage corn either. Seeing as how some of the land I hunt is in one of the most agriculture rich counties in the state, its a good thing when the corn comes off!This could prove interesting when you compare the crop harvest with last year.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I had to pick up a load of hay from our farm last night, so I took the long way home to check on the corn that borders the farm. No such luck for it being dry enough to pull. It will be a normal harvest around here from the looks of everything. I've seen a few corn fields that are ready, but by and large, not much around here is ready to pull.

Good news for you though!!!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I went to meet up with Beentown Tuesday and seen ONE cornfield picked in Morrow County. I have seen more then a couple bean fields picked already. The one BIG farm near me picked 300 acres of beans on Sunday and more coming off this week.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Stopped a line of traffic behind me this morning to allow a semi load of corn to pull out on the State route... The least i could do as thanks for getting it out the fields before season.. LOL..... They were serious.. Had two combines running and 3 trucks parked waiting to load.

Saw 3 more fields on the way to work getting picked.... And 4 more with the edges done for moisture checks.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I traveled from Mt Vernon to Marion and back down to Lewis Center today and saw quite a few bean fields that had already been cut, and one corn field in process.

It's funny though some of the fields along the same stretch are all in different phases. Most likely because they were planted at different times. One bean field I saw was yellow and on the verge of brown, but the field on the next property was green and just starting to yellow.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
There was a week of rain early spring while there was still a frost threat.. Some shot the odds and planted before the rain.. The ones who waited had to wait a couple more weeks for the fields to dry before planting and missed the rain.


Senior Member
I love driving up 23 and watching them pick, or in high school it was riding to Marion out 95 or going down to Union county and seeing them take them off.

Has anyone driven a combine? Them suckers are a blast, just like mowing the yard, only with a 250k tractor! I try to get out with my buddy and ride along for a couple hours. Fun as hell to shoot rabbits and whatever runs out from the platform too :D

Coming from a grain bin company, it's looking like they were going to have good yields, meaning more bins to build next year. We like rain during harvests months so more dryers break too, service calls baby!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
We have alot of land planted in both and our early stuff still isn't ready (corn) but the beans are coming off as I type. The only corn that has been pulled around me was 90 acres for silage. We are looking at 25% moisture content at best and we want it way lower to save on drying cost. Some begin to pull and dry early not worrying about LP prices.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Lots of beans were coming off yesterday around home, and there was a 240 acre cornfield across the road from my house being cut yesterday too.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Saw beans coming off along I80 driving to and from Detroit today. Neat to see how some fields are browned out, some are turning yellow or are yellow, and some are still as green as can be.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
They are picking like crazy everywhere now! Allowed me to see the first buck on the hoof in a long time last night!