Yesterday morning I sat at the private property over the annual scrape location. I have a camera over the scrapes and annually this spot livens up during the first two weeks of November. This is also on Jagger's usual travel route. Over the last few years we have gotten pictures of him making a giant loop on a daily basis, mostly at night. He is truly a challenge and in my opinion, almost unkillable. He's not a giant now, but the fact that he's mature and I have such a history with him, I'd love to harvest him.
Here is the first pic we have gotten of him since late July and I was wondering where he had been. I'm not 100% sure this is him, but it sure resembles him. Low-wide rack and sneaky nighttime movement.
So, I hunted the stand over the scrapes yesterday morning. From daybreak until 11:00 I saw a mother and baby and that was it. So, I texted my dad and told him I'd be picking him up soon to relocate a stand at the crack pasture to a more strategic location.
The past few nights we have been witnessing deer coming from about 100 yards west of us and included in that bunch was the 10 point that we have had close encounters with. We arrived at 11:30 and by 1:00 we had successfully moved the buddy stand and did it without disturbing too much.
Here is the view to the north: It is a large flat with bedding all through it and on the other side where it rolls down into a pond. It is basically thick rabbit habitat.
Here is the view to the West: more of the same that runs into a county road.
Here is the view to the south: some pasture and the owner's house, but the deer just feed around the house like nothing.
Kody and I arrived back at the stand after he got off the bus. we sat down around 3:30. When we approached the stand there were already 3 doe right by it. They ran off, but would be seen later circling around the upper field and out of range as they fed. Around 4:45 we had a 6 point and a 4 point come in together. They put on a little show for us as they matched strength and sparred for a bit. I videoed it, but they were at 60 yards and the phone doesn't zoom so it's hard to see them at all.
After they finished with their pissing match, the 6 walked right in front of us and offered a 20 yard shot. Kody passed as he is wanting a doe or a nice buck for his first compound kill. God bless him because at 13 years old and using a bow for the first time, I would've shot that little feller.
Darkness rolled in and we didn't see anything else, but at least the stand move almost paid off. As of right now, both boys want to go again this evening. Klay, my 11 year old, has been tied up with football practice so he's itching to go. He wants to sit in the tent with my dad and Kody will be in the stand with me.
Part of me really wants more solo time, but I love the fact that my boys want to hunt so I am going to enjoy every moment of it. I'll still get my solo time as well... I just need to be patient.
Total Hours: 31
Hunts with Kody: 6
Hunts with Klay: 3
Solo Hunts: 7
Doe seen: 70 (distorted by "crack" pasture)
Bucks seen: 14
Shooters seen: 3
Coyotes seen: 0
Fox Seen: 1
Skunked Hunts: 4
Shots Taken: 1 (Kody)