Have fun Steve... you only get to do it once! By the way, after you're 21, the boozin doesn't have the same appeal to it as it used to. Once you get to be that old, and especially after you graduate, you end up boozing just to deal with the bullshit you put up with in the "real world." LOL :smiley_boos:
It's 5 O'clock somewhere...and here TOO.
I am on page 7 of my paper, just got to crank out the last few pages, do the footnotes, and this baby will be done!
I am gettin thirsty
If you don't catch a buzz for me tonight, we'll fight! LOL!!! Have fun and don't be afraid to drunk dial! Call Adam first!!!
If you don't catch a buzz for me tonight, we'll fight! LOL!!! Have fun and don't be afraid to drunk dial! Call Adam first!!!
You seem kinda like a lite drink guy Steve...no offense intended I just don't know how else to state it lol besides sayin that you probably like girly drinks. Anyhow, I recommend two fingers of Captain, top off with gingerale and a twist of lime. It is my summer time drink. It is good for beginners.
us northmor boys can put the alckyhol away , but we cant spell worth a shit