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Covid vaccinations


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Lets talk about what we do and don't know about this injection and the virus.

"Immunity" natural vs introduced.

An introduced immunity is when someone gets a vaccination or the covid injection. Vaccinations use the dead virus, and or a weakened virus to illicit an immune response. Your bodies immune system attacks it and begins to make an immunity blueprint. The covid injection is not the virus, but rather a genetic snipet that instructs your cells to produce spike proteins on it's cellular wall. The same spike proteins that Covid uses to attach to your cellular wall. Think of them as a bridge. Your cells create them and your immune system realizes it's not natural an attacks them, thereby creating an immune system blueprint of the spike protein. In the future when covid enters the body and attaches to a cell via that bridge to deliver it's viral DNA, the immune system can recognize the spike protein and attack it. However it is not going to be 100% successful at this, so some covid delivery vehicles will still attach to cells, inject their DNA. The cells will begin to replicate that DNA for release into the body as more covid delivery vehicles to attach to more cells. The injection works because it keeps that process to a level where people will not suffer a huge immune response and get really sick of infected. So while they are still infected with covid, still replicating covid, and potentially still contagious, they will likely not have symptoms or very little symptoms.

Vaccinations like the flu vaccine doesn't work this way. They use the actual virus, so the immune system get a better look at the complete virus profile. Instead of just attacking the spike protein bridge it also understands the DNA of the virus. When the virus injects the genetic code into the cell the cell refuses to create the viral DNA. This stops the cellular reproduction of the flu. The flu adapts each year, lucky for us it's a pretty predictable adaptation. Unfortunately it's just enough that the bodies previous immune blueprint is useless. So each year companies predict the change, grow a bunch of virus in eggs, kill it, and then inject people so that we're ahead of the curve. This isn't an exact science and sometimes they miss one of the variants. The flu vaccine is actually a vaccination against a few different types of flu and not just one.

So, knowing that, what do we know. The flu vaccine works by telling your cells not to do something they shouldn't do, this is completely natural. The covid injection works by instructing your cells to malform themselves, something they shouldn't do. I would like to point out that cancer is nothing more than malformed cells. On a daily basis our bodies immune system is fighting malformed cells that we create. It is when the immune system can't fight them, and they begin to multiply unchecked, that we are diagnosed with "cancer". This is why a white blood cell count is a good indicator of cancer. Your body is producing a huge immune response. Fun fact: By medical definition the covid injection gives you temporary cancer, luckily the miracle of our immune system takes care of it for us and develops a blueprint if it ever happens again.

Here is what we don't know.

How long does the covid injection immunity last? They're being very secretive about this. The only study on it is out to three months and it shows a minor reduction in immunity. Odds are it is not a long-term immunity though. Meaning it is very likely that people will need to get a yearly or every other year booster.

How long does natural immunity last? We don't know and the data is sketchy. We have all seen reports of people getting it twice. It is however pretty rare and they have not been able to answer if they actually got it twice, or if the test just detected the old infection and now they have a bad cold. When it comes to viruses and immunity the standard has always been that natural immunity will last 2-3 times longer than introduced immunity. For example a whooping cough vaccine that you received as a child is good until your mid 20s. However if you actually contracted whooping cough then your immunity is something like 60-90 years.

Will the covid virus adapt its spike protein? We don't know. Viruses adapt all the time, but usually it's to the viral DNA and not the spike protein. Scientist believe that is because we are constantly blocking its viral DNA through immunity so it evolves and adapts. Well, it doesn't adapt, we do that for it when our cells crate the viral DNA, we adapt it. We have never before blocked a spike protein. So we shall see, however it is pretty likely that it will adapt. Meaning we may be facing the same covid virus with an adapted spike protien that requires a new shot

What we do know is approximately 48% of the population will be asymptomatic if they get covid. Even more will have cold or flu like symptoms and less than 7% across the board will need minor medical intervention, around 3% of the total will need hospitalization. Bear in mind that 3% is skewed because when accounting for age the hospitalization rate is somewhere around 50% for the population over age 65.. Meaning if you are under the age of 60 with no real health problems then you probably have a better chance of dying while driving to work than from COVID. This is a virus that disproportionately impacts the elderly and those with prolonged health conditions. So it begs the question. Why are they pushing a percentage based number for population vaccination rates?
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
@Schu72 I do believe it is my choice. Again, not knocking anyone who takes it. I remember when International and Ford split ways on diesel engines in their trucks. It was horrendous. Tons of repairs and issues with Ford's first attempt at their own diesel. So they changed it up. Their second engine was even worse. Catastrophic failures. Took a bit to realize these issues. Had to get the trucks on the road and let their customers find the issues. They scrapped that one shortly after and came out with a third diesel. My point: these vaccines are Ford's attempts at their own diesel engine. We don't know what is happening yet. Need to let the customers put some miles on the vaccines and see what issues need to be addressed. So for me? I'll keep driving my old body model and limp her along. 🤣
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Git Off My Lawn
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North Carolina
If they’re so confident, so sure it’ll work then why were all the liabilities removed from them to be sued down the road? You know, when their liquid gold turns out too be lead? That in itself is why I won’t get it. If you’re comfortable with all that, have health issues and are part of the older generation that would probably need it, so be it. Me, I’m not a gambler per say, but on this I’m ready too roll the dice....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Well, I know that, but seems Moderna has triggered the worst of the symptoms. But, I also read that Moderna is a little more potent.
I know quite a few people that have gotten the shot.... All have received the Moderna version... Some had a reaction and some have had nothing, not even a sore arm... I'm still trying to get mine..
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Ross County
I'll be completely honest, I'm utterly shocked that a CBS local NY news outlet actually covered this story, which is about a 70+ year old male that suddenly died approximately 20 minutes after receiving the mRNA injection.

Video description: The man collapsed Sunday morning as he was leaving the center, but it is unknown if the vaccine was connected to his death. CBS2's Aundrea Cline-Thomas reports.



Supporting Member
Ross County
Anyone here care to validate?

February 9, 2021

Entire School District in Ohio Cancels Classes After Too Many School Staff Have Negative Reactions to the Experimental COVID mRNA Injections​

An entire school district in Ohio canceled classes on Monday this week after so many of the staff suffered side effects from one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections over the weekend.

Fox 8 News in Cleveland reported:

Two days after employees were given their first round of COVID-19 vaccinations, the Fairless Local School District canceled classes, attributing it to many developing side effects and becoming ill.
In most cases, as much as 80 percent of the eligible employees are accepting the vaccinations. Medina County schools canceled classes on Friday to allow employees to all be vaccinated on the same day. Other districts are choosing to have their mass vaccinations over the weekends so as not to interfere with classes. (Full article here.)
Parents reportedly received a text on Sunday from the School District Superintendent Bidlack notifying parents of the school closure, which indicates that this cancelation of classes was not scheduled and was only decided the day after seeing how many of the district’s staff became sick or injured from the injections.

The corporate media and local health officials, of course, spun this as a “perfectly normal” and “encouraging” result of the injections.

Public health officials in the counties where the vaccinations are taking place call the clinics a massive undertaking, but are pleased with how they are going. They are also not surprised that a number of the people who are getting the vaccinations are reporting side effects, calling that perfectly normal for any vaccine.
“I’m very encouraged. We want to make sure that all of our school personnel are safe, and we want to try to help protect them so it is very very encouraging for us.” said Dr. Maureen Ahmann, medical director for the Stark County Health Department.
Ahmann said she was aware that Fairless Local Schools canceled classes on Monday, but was not familiar with the number of employees reporting illness related to the vaccines.
“As far as specifically the call-off numbers in Fairless, I haven’t spoken to them, but I am not surprised if people are having some of the reactions like that to the vaccine. In fact, it’s kind of good news because we know they are responding,” Ahmann said. (Source.)
If any of these school district employees go on and suffer a serious disability or even die in the days ahead, it will be reported as a tragic loss but the “health authorities” will assure everyone that it has “nothing to do with the vaccines.”

And the vast majority of the American public continue to eagerly line up to get their injections, scorning and ridiculing the “vaccine hesitant” minority.

If we look at historical patterns of mass vaccination programs in the U.S., and then “outbreaks” of new cases of whatever disease is being vaccinated against, such as measles in the past few years, the new outbreaks will assuredly be blamed on the unvaccinated, and used as an excuse to eliminate all vaccine exemptions and attempt to pass legislation to compel people to be vaccinated.

Logic, science and the truth will not be tolerated, such as the known fact now that the PCR test used to identify COVID is basically worthless.

Same old story, new disease, new vaccine. But this time the goals are much loftier, because the Globalists want to vaccinate the entire world population.

Anyone here care to validate?

February 9, 2021

Entire School District in Ohio Cancels Classes After Too Many School Staff Have Negative Reactions to the Experimental COVID mRNA Injections​

An entire school district in Ohio canceled classes on Monday this week after so many of the staff suffered side effects from one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections over the weekend.

Fox 8 News in Cleveland reported:

Parents reportedly received a text on Sunday from the School District Superintendent Bidlack notifying parents of the school closure, which indicates that this cancelation of classes was not scheduled and was only decided the day after seeing how many of the district’s staff became sick or injured from the injections.

The corporate media and local health officials, of course, spun this as a “perfectly normal” and “encouraging” result of the injections.

If any of these school district employees go on and suffer a serious disability or even die in the days ahead, it will be reported as a tragic loss but the “health authorities” will assure everyone that it has “nothing to do with the vaccines.”

And the vast majority of the American public continue to eagerly line up to get their injections, scorning and ridiculing the “vaccine hesitant” minority.

If we look at historical patterns of mass vaccination programs in the U.S., and then “outbreaks” of new cases of whatever disease is being vaccinated against, such as measles in the past few years, the new outbreaks will assuredly be blamed on the unvaccinated, and used as an excuse to eliminate all vaccine exemptions and attempt to pass legislation to compel people to be vaccinated.

Logic, science and the truth will not be tolerated, such as the known fact now that the PCR test used to identify COVID is basically worthless.

Same old story, new disease, new vaccine. But this time the goals are much loftier, because the Globalists want to vaccinate the entire world population.

They had to know if you line up your entire staff on the same damn day that a good chunk of them would end up with side effects.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina

Seems that whenever I first read about the medications that were coming down the pike it was all about the virus and how it’ll help people.... Now the articles are layered in $$$$$$ and Wall Street is being mentioned.....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Something to think about: Maybe when you saw our new President and Vice President getting shots all they got was a PLACEBO.... It's all a trick to thin out the population.,..:unsure::unsure:


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Geezer I don't think they wanna thin out anyone...I being sarcastic. I'm sure some will have a bad reaction to the shot just like any other drug... How many people die each year from a bad reaction to another drug that you never hear of??? As far as a yearly booster shot, I all along felt this would be needed just like the flu shot... I doubt it's a money making deal...
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Walbridge oh
The people that live in the inner cities and government funded housing projects don't pay taxes. They are the ones bitching that they can't get the vaccine.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Just throwing this out there, which is new website that basically scrubs data information from the 'CDCs VEARS | Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System'. Kind of a more user friendly streamline approach of some of the most basic information off the CDC system. Perhaps easier to use or absorb for some. Also, the information lags or IS NOT updated until a week after the fact, or NOT REAL TIME. So please keep that in mind. Another thing to keep in mind, the data ONLY INCLUDES WHAT HAS BEEN REPORTED, which some estimate is approximately 1% captured.

Thought I'd share these information sources to this thread for anyone interested.


11,249 Reports Through January 29, 2021*​


And of course, if you wish to use the actual source to acquire important data information, it can be found at;

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Columbus Ohio
THE vaccine is good for only 3 months???? Can anyone explain this CDC guidance in some better way? Are we going to be taking 10day hits to our lives for the rest of our lives?????

CDC: However, vaccinated persons with an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are not required to quarantine if they meet all of the following criteria†:
1) Are fully vaccinated (i.e., ≥2 weeks following receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series, or ≥2 weeks following receipt of one dose of a single-dose vaccine)
2) Are within 3 months following receipt of the last dose in the series
3) Have remained asymptomatic since the current COVID-19 exposure

re: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/info-by-product/pfizer/anaphylaxis-management.html


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Just throwing this out there, which is new website that basically scrubs data information from the 'CDCs VEARS | Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System'. Kind of a more user friendly streamline approach of some of the most basic information off the CDC system. Perhaps easier to use or absorb for some. Also, the information lags or IS NOT updated until a week after the fact, or NOT REAL TIME. So please keep that in mind. Another thing to keep in mind, the data ONLY INCLUDES WHAT HAS BEEN REPORTED, which some estimate is approximately 1% captured.

Thought I'd share these information sources to this thread for anyone interested.


11,249 Reports Through January 29, 2021*​


And of course, if you wish to use the actual source to acquire important data information, it can be found at;

I've been keeping a close eye on the VAERS system. Some of it is VERY troubling. People falling over dead within a day of getting the vaccine etc. Whats most troubling to be is the people who fell ill after getting the vaccine and show all the symptoms of covid to include respiratory distress, low 02, and testing positive. It's VERY concerning when the shot supposedly doesn't contain the virus and only the spike protein RNA, yet people are immediately developing respiratory issues and testing positive for covid. Not sure if this link works. I'll post some below also.

Patient was feeling dizzy and under the weather after the vaccination. The following day he died in his sleep during a nap.

Pt started complaining of chest heaviness and shortness of breath on the afternoon of 1/21/21. EMS was called to the patients home and she was found to have an O2 sat in the 70's. She was admitted to hospital and found to have a proBNP of 5000. She tested negative for Covid-19. She was determined to be in acute-on-chronic heart failure and was referred for hospice care. She passed away on the evening of 1/24/21.

per daughter pt suffered a stroke 1 hour after he was given the covid vaccination. he passed away on 01/24/2021.

Worsening respiratory failure 1/20/2021 death 1/27/2021

Systemic: Other- Death

Expired in sleep on 1/24/21

Stroke, death

Patient died 3 days post Moderna vaccine.

Pt began experiencing shortness of breath 3 days after vaccine and expired later that day.

the patient received the vaccine on 1/8/21, her last day of work was on 1/11/21, patients family reported that she was hospitalized and on life suppose on 1/12/21. She suffers from severe asthma, has several asthma attacks and wound up on the life suppose. Patient passed away on 1/22/21

Patient recieved vaccine 1 of covid 19 i 1/19/2021. She felt poorly on 1/20/2021. She felt dizzy and fell at 3 AM on 1/23/2021. She felt poorly and did not know her son's name which was not normal. She went to ER on 1/24. She was assessed as not having fractures. She was going to be transferred to a skilled nursing facility. She was not having respiratory complaints. She was awaiting transfer when her O2 levels started dropping substantially. She declined aggressive intervention and she died within a few hours

cardiac arrest - no warning signs

Patient found dead in home the next morning. May or may not be connected to vaccination. Instructed to report it from our medical director and director of nursing.

No symptoms appeared immediately after vaccination, although patient passed away around 6:00 pm unexpectedly. Staff talked with her last time at 5:30 pm and then found her at 6:00 pm passed away.

Resident received the first dose of Moderna Vaccine on 01/12/2021 and Tested for COVID-19 on 01/12/2021. Resident tested positive on 01/13/2021. Resident was transferred to acute hospital on 01/19/2021 due to desaturation. Resident expired at Hospital on 01/24/2021.

(Report per patients wife ) Patient took his usual nap around 12pm. She found him lying in the bed unresponsvie at 2pm. EMS was not called. Patient's wife called the Funeral home.

about 20+ hours after vaccination resident was having hard time breathing, 911 was called. Resident coded multiple times at the facility after CPR she was taken to ICU. She coded again and was placed on life support. Due to her choice to not be on life support she passed on 11/26/2021
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