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Covid vaccinations

Step mom Sheryl just got her second vaccination shot yesterday. She works at a nursing home and they offered it to them right away. She didn't give a second thought to it and had it done. So far no reactions at all for her.

Was reading the other day (hell maybe it was here as I can't find the article) that a good percentage of the people having bad reactions are people who had already gotten Covid before the immunization shot.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Was reading the other day (hell maybe it was here as I can't find the article) that a good percentage of the people having bad reactions are people who had already gotten Covid before the immunization shot.

Well no one would know because the HHSs Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data through the CDC wonders portal hasn't been updated with public facing data since January 8th despite that its supposed to be updated every Friday. This is where all adverse reactions are reported to HHS and the CDC. Things that make you go hmmm.

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So I posted somewhere in here about my thoughts and reservations regarding the vaccine. I did decide to get it. I was planning on waiting for a few more cycles that way there were more in front of me to let me know what long term side effects there might be. BUT, I'm changing jobs to a new location. A surgery center that's closer to home and has no call, no nights and no weekends but for similar (and potentially better) pay. So I didn't know how soon I'd be able to get it in that role and as an anesthesia provider I'm right in the thick of it for being exposed.

So anyhow.......

I got the Moderna Vaccine.

1st shot - day of nothing, next day my shoulder was sore. I mean SORE enough that while I didn't have limited mobility I would wince when moving it in certain ways and had I not known I had that shot I would have wondered what I did to my shoulder. I am a side sleeper and couldn't sleep on that side AT ALL. Lasted about a day and a half.

10 days post vaccine my son tested positive and my wife and other kids had symptoms and are assumed positives. I never had anything. Research states I would have been around 50% for having enough antibodies to fight it off so who knows.

2nd shot - Day of slightly sore shoulder. That night my shoulder hurt BAD. I couldn't sleep on that side at all. It hurt to wash my hair the next morning. During the next day I felt "off". It was the feeling like when you know you're getting a cold but your body is fighting it. Not normal, not bad but off. On the wrist temperature screen at the hospital to get in I was on the high end of their normal scale but didn't feel feverish at all. Later that day (around 28ish hours post shot) I felt slightly feverish. Grabbed some food and crashed. When I woke up later that night (on call and some woman wanted an epidural for the delivery of her baby) I felt back to normal. No other symptoms other than if I turn my head to the right I hear Bill Gates talking and my phone now has awesome cell reception no matter where I am.

On a national facebook group of anesthesia providers there was an informal survey regarding the side effects with the second shot and it seems like while there are some people of all blood types who get bad symptoms as well as no symptoms there are more asymptomatic 2nd shot O blood typers than the others. Just food for thought.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for the update and it's great to hear about your cell phone reception! 🤣🤣🤣
I like the way you skid a couple extras in there.

My Mom gets her first shot Monday. Pretty healthy but 72. At 45 and healthy I'll take my chances that my body will fight it if I get the Rona. At 70+ I might feel different. Heck, at 50+ if I had health issues I would consider it. I suppose I will continue to wait and assess the outcome of the vaccines and my personal health. I had never personally pushed for the vaccine roll out. If anything, I felt money towards learning more about the virus would be money well spent. I'm glad Geezer and those who wish to get the vaccine are starting to get access now. Stuff is scary either way. Still a lot of unknowns.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Probably won’t be getting the shot.... But reading the above posts and remembering shots from my past it sounds like the symptoms of post Cholera and Typhoid shots we had back pre 9/11..... They’d give both of those shots together in the same arm, reasoning was why make both your arms useless....
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Nw oh
Dose #2 on board. Hoping for only a mild reaction. Glad to be done.
My two cousins places of work (nursing home and private docs office) became short staffed a day or two after the second dose started kicking in. Their staff all got the vaccine on the same days and had sick call ins on the same days making them scramble a bit , but it only lasted a day or two.
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Ragin Cajun.
Got my first shot early January, soreness in the arm a day after and was gone. Today I got my second shot. It’s cold here and my sinuses wasn’t normal, no big deal right? Got the shot and a couple hours after I have a sinus headache like an arrow is through my temples. Got the chills and could tell I was trying to run a fever. Took my temp and was running 99 so I took some over the counter meds. Not 15-20 minutes later no headache and back to almost normal. Got off work and was feeling the pains again and took meds at home. I’m not at normal now but not myself. Other coworkers got symptoms the night of the shot and the next day. I’m surprised it hit me so early. Hopefully I will be passed it by morning. I have no regrets getting the vaccine especially in my line of work. About a 1/3 of out department elected to get the first cycle and more are signing up.

I think my state is up to 7% vaccined which is useless trying to control the spread. Hopefully if and when I do catch the Kung flu it will be very minimum. I will update if something changes.


Well-Known Member
Got my first shot early January, soreness in the arm a day after and was gone. Today I got my second shot. It’s cold here and my sinuses wasn’t normal, no big deal right? Got the shot and a couple hours after I have a sinus headache like an arrow is through my temples. Got the chills and could tell I was trying to run a fever. Took my temp and was running 99 so I took some over the counter meds. Not 15-20 minutes later no headache and back to almost normal. Got off work and was feeling the pains again and took meds at home. I’m not at normal now but not myself. Other coworkers got symptoms the night of the shot and the next day. I’m surprised it hit me so early. Hopefully I will be passed it by morning. I have no regrets getting the vaccine especially in my line of work. About a 1/3 of out department elected to get the first cycle and more are signing up.

I think my state is up to 7% vaccined which is useless trying to control the spread. Hopefully if and when I do catch the Kung flu it will be very minimum. I will update if something changes.
Very similar here. Within a few hours my arm was already sore. By 5 felt flu-like. OTC drugs have the edge off. Hoping to be normal by morning.


Well-Known Member
Well that wasn't all that fun. Fever , chills, shivering all started shortly after midnight. Body ached, teeth hurt. Didn't sleep much. Starting to feel a little more normal now at the 25 hr mark. Can't imagine going through that for days and weeks.
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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Well that wasn't all that fun. Fever , chills, shivering all started shortly after midnight. Body ached, teeth hurt. Didn't sleep much. Starting to feel a little more normal now at the 25 hr mark. Can't imagine going through that for days and weeks.
Hope your feeling better soon. What vaccine did you get ?