So I'm back in the woods tonight. Hardly settled in and the 10 point I've been seeing comes slinking through but was hanging in the brush. I had 1 shot but was "uncomfortable" as I was not trusting the equipment...
Around 4:30PM a lone doe came in killing range but was not giving me the 1/4ing away shot. 15 min I wrestled with the shot which I would has easily taken with my bow... Finally I decided to go ahead with it. The buck wasn't coming back and I needed to get over the bummer of the lost doe from the other day.
I shot. Guess I need to try some lighted knocks. I still didn't see where it hit her the bolt was so fast. She made a run but 75 yards out, still in sight, I saw her crash.
In the stream.
So there ya go Jeff. You don't get the 10 point tonight but I did kill a solid doe in your memory with your cross bow.