Something work me up at 5:11 AM. I laid there listening to the rain hit the roof, hoping to fall back asleep. By 5:35 I was heading down the stairs with a shotgun in hand and a jacked up chessie on my heels. With my coffee ready to go we were out the door and loading up a small bag of decoys, leaky waders, and my overstuffed blind bag. Plenty of nonsense for a quick solo hunt before the work day would begin.
Legal light brought nothing but slightly heavier rain and the thoughts of having my head examined for getting out of bed. But not too long afterward, those thoughts were erased with the approaching eep eep of wood ducks in the early gray light. The first small group splashed down before I could even shoulder the gun, appearing out of thin air. I stood up and delivered a quick "Hey!!" to flush the birds off the hole. First shot missed, but the second connected, as did the third knocking down two birds out of the first group. Another follow up shot put the head down of the last bird shot after he was trying his best to swim for the cattails.
A few more opportunities came & went with a third bird for the morning hit but unrecovered after some diving retreats. He was determined to not let Timber fetch him up, and ultimately succeeded somehow. The action was quick early on but faded just as fast as the rains were starting to lighted up. I was happy with what was in hand for the last minute early morning decision, and packed back out to get ready for the day.