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Deer Management Stakeholder Organization.

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Junior Member
Central Ohio
DOW should implement new policy of "free and unlimited antlerless deer tags for public land only." That would accomplish their agenda a lot quicker. Hey Rex, pass that along to your buddy Tonk. The boys at the bureau would throw a party in his honor!!!
Traditions only last if you pass them down to your kids!

I forget where I saw that quote before, but there is alot of truth to it. I will say that traditions are constantly changing. Sometimes that is good and sometimes that is bad. I think the key is though to learn to adapt and create new ones.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My buddy Kevin and i were just talking the other day about how we miss the past back in the 80s and part of the 90s getting together with friends and family and hunting.
Back then we could go daylight to quitting time all week of gun season and do deer drives going from farm to farm and never had any issues with other people or hunters.
Try that today,so many new hunters and some not so new seem to want to be a bonecollector hunting professional like on most of the lame hunting shows on tv, god forbid if you kill "Their Deer".
Seems every piece of property is spoken for if not leased,the days of us being able to hunt like that are long gone in our area so kinda hard to keep that tradition going but we sure had fun back then.

I am still fortunate to have a couple good properties to hunt and not have to pay for it. I am looking forward to taking my granddaughters out as long as they want to do it in the future to try and pass on the tradition to them.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Deer drives is what got me hooked on hunting. Loved doing those as a kid! Walked for miles in NW Ohio. Now you just sit by yourself in a tree stand and wait.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
OhioSam and I still do the deer drives in the way you're talking about Brian, although the property is a lot more limited then when he first started back as a teenager... I always look forward too that week as well as Muzzleloader and the deer drives that come with it...


Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
My buddy Kevin and i were just talking the other day about how we miss the past back in the 80s and part of the 90s getting together with friends and family and hunting.
Back then we could go daylight to quitting time all week of gun season and do deer drives going from farm to farm and never had any issues with other people or hunters.
Try that today,so many new hunters and some not so new seem to want to be a bonecollector hunting professional like on most of the lame hunting shows on tv, god forbid if you kill "Their Deer".
Seems every piece of property is spoken for if not leased,the days of us being able to hunt like that are long gone in our area so kinda hard to keep that tradition going but we sure had fun back then.

I am still fortunate to have a couple good properties to hunt and not have to pay for it. I am looking forward to taking my granddaughters out as long as they want to do it in the future to try and pass on the tradition to them.

You best not kill my buck deers!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Sorry guy's but...... "THE GOOD OLD DAY'S ARE GONE"..... Just not the same anymore... I started hunting back in 1962... (Most of you were still tadpoles swimming upstream to get out).... Back then there were no "Pro-staffers", just guys that loved the comradery of getting out together either small game hunting or deer hunting... Instead of competing, everyone helped each other...The main objective was creating memories and having fun, not trying to out do each other... Back then living in Western Pa. you would head out your back door and walk for miles in any direction without worrying about someone giving you any shit... Just didn't happen... Today your spots to hunt are limited and your fellow hunter will do anything to out do you...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Sorry guy's but...... "THE GOOD OLD DAY'S ARE GONE"..... Just not the same anymore... I started hunting back in 1962... (Most of you were still tadpoles swimming upstream to get out).... Back then there were no "Pro-staffers", just guys that loved the comradery of getting out together either small game hunting or deer hunting... Instead of competing, everyone helped each other...The main objective was creating memories and having fun, not trying to out do each other... Back then living in Western Pa. you would head out your back door and walk for miles in any direction without worrying about someone giving you any shit... Just didn't happen... Today your spots to hunt are limited and your fellow hunter will do anything to out do you...

Sad truth that most of us already know. I feel bad for the guys that didn't get to see "the good ole days". It has gone from a favorite pass time to a cut throat industry. I expect boat sales will continue to rise. Some of us just gotta be outdoors and the 20 year outlook on hunting doesn't look good.

My wife and I talked last night about our personal future goals. Owning 100 acres has been on the outlook...we were thinking within a 3 hour drive of our current property. She shed a light on buying in Alaska, as I have mentioned owning a summer house up there. Man did that ever spark a light thinking about what Ohio wildlife will look like in the future!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No Dick in the good ole days we all hunted hard and killed our fair share of deer while bowhunting but the gettng together with a good group of guys and just having fun was a great tradition during the 6 or 7 days of gun season, thats slowly going away as everything is geared toward each individual having their own little area to hunt and mostly bowhunt or property is leased up and no more access allowed. Their are guys that still do the gun drives but also have the land to do it on, alot of those guys are also leasing the land now but are still limited on how much area they can hunt.
We will never see the days where you could go from farm to farm to hunt and be welcome at each one like we used to.
Thats pretty much why i only bowhunt now.
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I see it as "the good 'ol days" were all about shooting, not so much hunting. Today we have to hunt, at least a little, to shoot a deer or two. If one just wants to shoot, try squirrels, crows, or maybe take up bowfishing.

I agree with the shooting part as that is how it was back in the day on our farm there before we bought it from my uncle. It was the cutting loose and getting together back then. Most of our day was planned around when we would meet at the cabin for lunch or if someone was going to have coffee on in case we got cold early. Very little bowhunting was even done in the area during those days. Now that we've gotten the property and started bowhunting we hunt and hunt for the experiences. Good or bad that's how it kind of is nowadays for us. My hope is to get a little in the middle of the two this year and start somewhat a new tradition of hunt some and enjoy the time in between with each other especially with gun seasons and all.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
One of my favorite traditions was heading to the local general store which was the check in station to see how everyone did for the day. We would spend probably an hour or so sharing stories of the days hunt. Telecheck ruined that.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sorry to mention I'm living my 'good days now' as I was able to buy my farm 26 yrs ago. Something I couldn't afford today with how land prices have soared. I developed my farm into a 'good days now' hunting area but it was a great expense and time. Sorry I didn't start 20 yrs earlier.
Back in the 'old good old days' there was zero deer to be hunted in our area. I had to move south 41 yrs ago and get established here.
I do feel sorry for everyone who has tough deer hunting now. But the present Ohio statewide deer hunting is damn good according to what it was 40-50 yrs ago. What the future 40-50 yrs will be for you younger guys I don't know as I won't be here anymore.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Sorry to mention I'm living my 'good days now' as I was able to buy my farm 26 yrs ago. Something I couldn't afford today with how land prices have soared. I developed my farm into a 'good days now' hunting area but it was a great expense and time. Sorry I didn't start 20 yrs earlier.
Back in the 'old good old days' there was zero deer to be hunted in our area. I had to move south 41 yrs ago and get established here.
I do feel sorry for everyone who has tough deer hunting now. But the present Ohio statewide deer hunting is damn good according to what it was 40-50 yrs ago. What the future 40-50 yrs will be for you younger guys I don't know as I won't be here anymore.

Exactly, all about you. Or can I bring my kids to help carry on the tradition?


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Exactly, all about you. Or can I bring my kids to help carry on the tradition?

Got my son, 3 grandkids 17-19-21 and nephew who all hunt the property when they want. Plus I bring down my niece and her husband down to hunt deer since they help me at the gunshow in Lima.
The way it looks now the farm will stay in the family after I'm gone and that gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling for their future. So the future is covered at least for my family.
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