Update to reflect two more skunks:
Morning Hunts:2
Evening Hunts:6
Hours on Stand: 22.5
Bucks Seen: 1
Does Seen: 2
Fawns/Yearlings Seen:3
Shots Taken: 1
Harvests: 0
Total Deer Seen:6
Made a walk around Friday afternoon and the deer tracks and other sign are almost non existent now. The other guy who has permission on these properties coon hunt pretty hard, so I'm assuming he is blowing the deer out of the woods and to the corn.
Corn started coming off yesterday afternoon and I'm assuming it should be gone today. I yanked my stand, cameras, and some steps out Friday evening in preparation for the Youth Gun Season.
Not much hunting in the plans for this week with work and holiday coming up. Maybe a Thursday morning/Friday evening hunt, but as uneventful as the season has been so far I may just head to the lake and chase Crappie!
I will be able to switch to a 4x10 hour day schedule next week and hunt the gun opener, which I haven't done in a while, so that will be a fun change of pace. Wouldn't mine knocking one down for the freezer with the 870.