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Doggone good dog thread


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The quote that always comes to mind for me is: "One of life's great injustices is that a man must outlive a good dog time and time again." Remi was #3 in my lifetime, although my first as an owner. I grew up with Lex, an AKC Doberman that was a hell of a dog. We struggled to find another good family dog after we lost him to a vehicle incident, but dad eventually brought home Mac, a stray that was half Rottweiler and half Lab. He was a damn fine dog as well. I brought Remi home on 8/15/2007 and was able to introduce him to Mac shortly before we had to put him down due to bad hips and other health issues. I'd like to think those 3 (and ones to come) will be there to greet me on the other side when my time is done.

I came home to the smell of wet dog last night. The girls took Lulu in and gave her a bath and she was sitting on the couch with them. Poor dog has played second fiddle in our house since we brought her home and honestly, Tracie has never really taken to her until now. With her being pregnant with Kenna, then having Kenna, and having a love for Remi like she did, Lulu never really got any attention from Tracie and honestly, not as much from me as I gave Remi when he was a pup. But, she's still a very obedient dog, gentle with the girls and far more receptive to "lap dog" treatment than Remi who was fairly aloof. When I went to bed last night, Tracie, K, and Lulu were snuggled up on the couch watching a movie.

Sucks losing a good dog, but it helps to have another ready to "fill in". She'll never fill his spot in our hearts, but she's creating her own and that's comforting to us all...


Dignitary Member
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Wife called me at work yesterday telling me my 12 year old Bassett wasn't right and wouldn't get out of her kennel. I told her to give her a couple baby asprin and see if she improved. By 10 she had got out of her kennel and slowly made her way outside. The wife couldn't get her to eat except for the cheese she got with the asprin. She also wouldn't drink water. Which is rare for a dog that will drink a full quart right after coming back in from her morning bathroom run. By last night she moved spots a couple times but was real slow and kind of stoved up. I don't think she's sick with a cold or virus because her nose is cold and wet and she doesn't feel hot.

This morning was more of the same so she got some more baby asprin. This evening I managed to get her to eat three raw eggs and leftovers from dinner. I got some fluids in her by boiling some leftover fried chicken in a quart of water then letting it cool for her to drink. I also went to TSC this evening and got some Penicillin G and gave her the max dose in her hindquarter.

She was pretty bad earlier today to the point i was going to go dig the hole in the event i needed it tomorrow. Slightly labored breathing, minor shaking while laying there, etc. I'm seeing some improvement and i'm managing to get food and fluids in her so hopefully she bounces back. 12 is pretty old for a bassett though so i better be prepared soon either way.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sorry Joe. We all know it is part of life. Sure isn't fun though. It is tough watching our dogs as they age.


Dignitary Member
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Thanks guys. Dogs are pretty resilient animals. As long as its not something like cancer or genetic like hip degeneration they can bounce back if you can get food and water in them. A good ole shot of penicillin always helps too.


Dignitary Member
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Thanks everyone. She was doing a little better this morning when she got out of her kennel right away and went outside. She looked to be weak in the hind end and her hip kind of gave out a couple times. Some of that could be from the penicillin shot though. Still it's an improvement over yesterday which is what I like to see.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Dang, Joe. Could be kidneys not functioning well?
Well she's not swollen with water so i don't believe so. Its either an infection or sudden inflamation but could be caused by anything to include cancer.


Dignitary Member
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Update on Bella. She is back to normal and her regular self. Between raw eggs, broth water, baby asprin, and two shots of penicillin she's good to go.

I'm not a vet so nobody take this as veterinarian advice but that Penicillin G Procaine works wonders. I've given it to coon dogs for years and never had a problem but a dog could be allergic to penicillin like humans are. She is 50lbs so she got 1/2 a CC in the rump two nights in a row. You can pick it up from TSC for 7.99 for 100 ml and its good in the refrigerator for 3 years. Its technically for sheep, pigs, cows, and horses but penicillin is penicillin, the only reason it says not for dogs is because the Vet industry controls most everything for household dogs and cats. The same as if we could get antibiotics over the counter most family care docs would be out of a job. You can also pick up the syringe and a 5 pack of 20 or 22 gauge needles. I think for three syringes, needles, and the penicillin i was out the door for $12.50. Way cheaper than a vet visit that would have undoubtedly included bloodwork and xrays and a script for a pain killer and antibiotic. Probably would have been $1,000 at least. And the truth be told if its anything you need an xray and bloodwork for it aint worth trying to fix at her age. Ie cancer, tumor, bowl obstruction etc. My wife wanted to take her to the vet and I think my exact response was "Why, so they can charge me a grand just to tell me exactly why she's dying"
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
That's good news Joe. I was a little worried for you for a while there.
Thanks. She's still not 100% so something is still a little off. At least she is eating, drinking water, and getting around a lot better. She may have had a seizure that night that still has some lingering effects. Time will yell.
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Dignitary Member
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Well she's taken a turn for the worse. All the halmark signs of cancer. The bad days follow the good. Not eating even her most favorite food, cheese. Not holding down water, real lethargic, various pains on various days. Etc. Seems the right thing to do is stop the suffering.