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Don't pick up a toy gun in walmart.

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
And then a woman has a heart attack over it and dies. Cops were in the bad on this one in my opinion...


Senior Member
I wouldn't consider the gun a toy. I'm not taking sides, but I can see where that gun could easily be thought of as a real rifle. Still no need to use lethal force unless he was dumb enough to point it at the officers.

Or point it at anyone else. From what I understand he was told numerous times to drop the rifle but nobody knows the whole story.


Senior Member
And then a woman has a heart attack over it and dies. Cops were in the bad on this one in my opinion...

I honestly can't say I feel the same because it's so hard to form an opinion when so little is known. I know that if any of my loved ones would have been there I would have put their safety at #1 priority and done all I needed to do to protect them.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Recent news reports from WHIO say the 911 operator was told by the caller the man was "loading the rifle" and the operator could hear someone in the background (likely the callers wife) say "I've been shot".

The wife of the caller happens to be known by a friend of mine. Let's just put it this way. bonafide dayton trash.

More and more this looks like a case of "let's call the cops on that guy and see what happens". After getting the cops worked up that theres an active shooter in walmart the police show up to neutralize the threat. It just so happens the "threat" was a guy carrying a toy commonly purchased at walmart off the shelf.

If it can be shown these cops acted negligently expect murder charges for the guy and manslaughter for the woman.

If it can be proven this couple acted outside good faith they too will be liable for the deaths.

Walmarts likely screwed either way.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Last I checked, all my local Walmarts are loaded with cameras. Be interesting to see what video footage was captured.


Columbus, OH
Wow! Definitely be interesting to see how this all plays out. How dumb can you be though, I don't care if you have your finger and thumb painted black and pointing it like a gun, if you see the police bust in you put that bastard down and hit the floor... don't try to explain, explain later.

I agree.. Police show up. Explain later and lay down. Cooperate 100%.. Fake or real gun. At the end of the day the police have to act fast on instinct to protect themselves and others. It's sad when people get hurt or killed during a misunderstanding.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Alot of the idiots that go to Walmart seem too think that they can open shit and play with stuff.

I agree. I can't tell you the number of times I've seen airsoft guns and bb guns laying out of the packaging on the shelf.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Heard about the video being released but I haven't seen it yet. Also seen on MSN where they talked about some protesters and wanting the feds to get involved and look at it because the guy was black and the cops was white.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
If you ask me after watching the surveillance video tonight the 911 caller should be charged...

So should the cops. The first idea that guy had that something was wrong is when the cop came around the corner and shot him. He was standing down the isle looking at a shelf. Then all of a sudden jumps sideways and runs around the end of the isle. Never looked over, never looked around just got shot. That cop never said a word before opening fire. He dropped the bb gun and ran around the corner a few feet away. The cop came down the isle and the guy came back around the corner and the cop shot him again almost point blank. The Richies (callers) should be charged for their BS lies to the 911 dispatcher. He was never pointing it at anyone like they said. Or loading it like they said.

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
So should the cops. The first idea that guy had that something was wrong is when the cop came around the corner and shot him. He was standing down the isle looking at a shelf. Then all of a sudden jumps sideways and runs around the end of the isle. Never looked over, never looked around just got shot. That cop never said a word before opening fire. He dropped the bb gun and ran around the corner a few feet away. The cop came down the isle and the guy came back around the corner and the cop shot him again almost point blank. The Richies (callers) should be charged for their BS lies to the 911 dispatcher. He was never pointing it at anyone like they said. Or loading it like they said.

I think the same as you about it. The doj is gonna investigate it now. Totally different situation than what happened in Ferguson

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My nephew is attending Wright state and works at the Walmart where this happened. He had to testify the other day. He told me the guy was pointing it at other customers and making threats. Who knows?


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
My nephew is attending Wright state and works at the Walmart where this happened. He had to testify the other day. He told me the guy was pointing it at other customers and making threats. Who knows?

Wonder if my oldest Daughter knows your nephew lol. She is a senior there this year and has gone there all 4 years.

Sucks he had to go through all that and had to go into court. Not something a young person should be witness to.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
My nephew is attending Wright state and works at the Walmart where this happened. He had to testify the other day. He told me the guy was pointing it at other customers and making threats. Who knows?

That's what the richies that called 911 said. Who are complete trash BTW. But nowhere in any surveillance video did that happen. They even synchronized the richies 911 call with the security footage. He said he was pointing it at people. The guy was standing there looking at a shelf. He told the 911 dispatcher he was loading it. He was just leaning on it like a cane. They are the ones that got the police all spun up thinking they were responding to an active shooter. While the police were not indicted. I hope the guy's family and the lady who died of a heart attack from the response. sue's the beavercreek police into the freaking ground. I never in 1 million years thought I would attend an al sharpton rally but this is one case where it is 1000% warranted. Even if it was a real gun that guy would've been well within his constitutional right. And for the cops to shoot first and ask questions later based upon a 911 call is plain and simple murder.