I wouldn't consider the gun a toy. I'm not taking sides, but I can see where that gun could easily be thought of as a real rifle. Still no need to use lethal force unless he was dumb enough to point it at the officers.
And then a woman has a heart attack over it and dies. Cops were in the bad on this one in my opinion...
Wow! Definitely be interesting to see how this all plays out. How dumb can you be though, I don't care if you have your finger and thumb painted black and pointing it like a gun, if you see the police bust in you put that bastard down and hit the floor... don't try to explain, explain later.
Seems to me the bb guns at walmart are in boxes or other packaging of some kind, why was this one not in a box?
Alot of the idiots that go to Walmart seem too think that they can open shit and play with stuff.
If you ask me after watching the surveillance video tonight the 911 caller should be charged...
So should the cops. The first idea that guy had that something was wrong is when the cop came around the corner and shot him. He was standing down the isle looking at a shelf. Then all of a sudden jumps sideways and runs around the end of the isle. Never looked over, never looked around just got shot. That cop never said a word before opening fire. He dropped the bb gun and ran around the corner a few feet away. The cop came down the isle and the guy came back around the corner and the cop shot him again almost point blank. The Richies (callers) should be charged for their BS lies to the 911 dispatcher. He was never pointing it at anyone like they said. Or loading it like they said.
My nephew is attending Wright state and works at the Walmart where this happened. He had to testify the other day. He told me the guy was pointing it at other customers and making threats. Who knows?
My nephew is attending Wright state and works at the Walmart where this happened. He had to testify the other day. He told me the guy was pointing it at other customers and making threats. Who knows?