Harvest numbers for individuals aren't really telling as to total population of deer.
Consider this... Say you have 8,000 deer and you kill 2,000 a year.... It doesn't matter if you have 8,000 deer or 4,000 deer next year.. You can still kill 2,000 every year.. Well that is untill the population is 1,999.....
The only thing required for that to happen is people have to hunt twice as hard. Bait more, push more, go deeper in the woods.. But truth is, you only have half the deer you once did... IMO this is what's happening... This is also why I think that just a couple years ago bait was a tiny section on a wal mart shelf, and it's is now a giant row. Acorn rage, swamp donky, etc etc.. The stores are carrying more and more of it... It's exploded.. I think it's because it's not as easy to kill a deer as it was 4 years ago, and people are turning to more stuff to tip their odds.... The 75% that always kill one will likely always kill one.. It's just the difference of hunting 1 day and done, or 3 days and done.