He's right as Ohio doesn't actually have a law limiting the bureaus fees or requiring a freeze to be free like other states do. No basis for a lawsuit. Your state legislature would be a good target for that email.
Or file a CFPB complaint. Its a pretty easy process.
Hoping transunion and experian start waiving their fees as well... BS for them to make money on a situation any of them could of been in....
We're locked down as well as my son, daughters dragging her feet.... Got on her yesterday about getting it done again... But hey, she's an adult and will have to deal with it... You can only do so much...
I tried calling Experian today & the phone lines were jammed. I tried doing it online, sent my card info to pay the $5 & then they say in cannot be done online
Transunion was easy and is locked
equifax is flooded and online and phone are unavailable
experian is requiring me to send paper copies and utility bills and a drivers license in?!?!?!?! :tantrum:
I have a question. I've been messing with this off & on since this all started up. All I have yet to do is the Equifax freeze. I've done the two others earlier. Every time I try it online, I enter my info, then go to the next page & all it gives me is which freeze LIFT I want. Nothing about adding a freeze. It's almost as if I've done the freeze, but I know I have not. I then get mad & leave it alone for a while. There's no number I can find to call & talk to anyone. How did you guys accomplish it ?
Damn, I like your post to them... Puts exactly what I felt into words....
I actually emailed the attorney general and said the same... They called me today and said, although they agree, they have no jurisdiction in the matter...