Holy Batman, you're done already.
So in reality, it didn't take up that much time or money. The best part is instant gratification!:smiley_clap:
I'm working on the wood portion and will post when I get it going.
Mike be careful with the teeth. I've read that if you boil the head the teeth tend to fall out.
Looks great though!
I decided to go the euro mount way with my half rack buck that I got Monday.
First I removed all of the skin from the head followed by as much meat as I could get off. I took a 5/8" spade bit and scrambled the brains so they would ooze out.
Here it is before and after a two hour simmer in water and dawn dish detergent.
View attachment 760View attachment 761
Meanwhile, I got a chance to give some TLC to Big Red.
View attachment 762
That's one of the fixes I was doing that day. You need to take off that whole engine side cover (3 bolts) to be able to get to the 3 little bolts that hold the housing to the pull cord/spring mechanism. Fun times.Holy shit Mike. I have that exact snowblower.. I need a new pull rope though. Sucker can throw some snow.
Ordered on Monday.Gonna need a little brass plate w/ the date and your name when its done!