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Everyone has the biggest buck you've scene alive story.........

I used to work at a chemical plant on the Summit County/Stark County line. They had quite a bit of private property with employee only access. I had quite a few awesome encounters there including missing the biggest buck I ever shot at the first sit I had and know of plenty of 140+ buck taken off the property.

That being said there was a buck that basically lived inside the plant. The year I worked there he was a main frame 16 point (i.e. 8 by 8) with a few kickers and a split browtine. One day I was driving early in the morning and there is a bridge that crosses from the north side to the south side of the plant. I pulled up to drive across the bridge low and behold to see him standing 5 yards into the bridge with a doe. I casually followed about 5 feet behind them as they crossed the bridge and then tailed them as they took an old access road. I followed them for probably 5 mins until they got kind of spooked and took off.

I felt like I was on some sort of Safari to be honest but let's just say I hunted as close to the "high fence" as I could the rest of season. We found his sheds in the spring which grossed 210 and some change and netted somewhere between 189 and 192. I have a picture holding them in the maintenance shop it truly was a once in a lifetime experience. I was little dwarfed in the rack and they were insanely heavier then one could imagine.


Senior Member
Circa 1995...after a Weds snow during gun season I took my 12 gauge on a walk. After walking thru a pine grove I spot the biggest tree stump I’ve ever seen standing on the hilltop overlooking the valley. I raised up my gun, took a 75 yard aim, then dismissed it as a tree stump (a dark gloomy day). I lowered the gun and took two steps....the big buck jumped up from the blowdown and ran away with 2 does. I threw 3 slugs at it as he ran off. He had been bedded there all day long in the treetops. He ended up getting killed on the highway later that season, a big 14 pointer.
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First Saturday in November, 1984. I got a doe tag for Plumbrook, saw over a dozen gorgeous 8's, 10's and a 12. The last deer I saw was the largest buck I've personally ever seen, first though was an outdoor show mule deer. It stood up 10 yards from me and slowly walked down the road next to the perimeter fence. I unloaded my gun and walked back to the pick-up point talking to myself, never saw a doe.
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Junior Member
SE Ohio
Multiple. Shot under this stranger only to pull chips and see pics and be confirmed my a neighbor who also had pics 🙄 I def had the shakes. 🤷‍♂️


Active Member
The Flatlands
2019, down at a buddy’s dads property near Cambridge, believe it was the last weekend of October. Hunted this same bench the prior evening and morning, and only saw a couple basket racks. Second to the last evening, about 30 minutes of shooting light left and I heard crashing/ leaves being thrown around. Sounded like a flock of turkeys and I assumed that’s what it was, heading for the roost. I saw a flash of white about 85 yds away so I decided to double check with my binos. Can confirm it was not turkeys lol. Whenever I tell the story I describe his antlers as two cheap white plastic lawn chairs on his head. It’s hard to guess the score since I didn’t see how wide he was, but if I had to guess he was upwards of 160” maybe bigger. Wind was perfect, I had done a scent drag prior to climbing in the stand, he cross just shy of it. Grunted at him twice and he stopped (couldn’t see him due to foliage). He continued his pace at 50ish yards. Last ditch effort I let out a snort wheeze. He stopped and then did it right back, I about shit myself. Not sure how I kept an arrow nocked on my longbow. Sounded like he started my way then suddenly blew a few times and ran straight away from me never to be seen again. Not sure what happened, only guess is that he didn’t see a deer to be making the calls that I was doing and knew it wasn’t right.


Well-Known Member
Over the years I have jumped many big deer. They always look gigantic running away. This is a trail cam pic of what I believe to be the biggest buck I have ever seen while hunting. I had just come off stand and was walking up hill and caught movement. I quickly dropped to a knee and grabbed my binos. The deer was skylighted and was enormous. He was probably at 70 yards. Never saw or got pics of him again.



Norton , Ohio
Lol. I can honestly say I hunted my ass off for both of those deer. Work always got in the way...as usual!!A lot of strategies and planning that went into it that just never paid off ( for me at least). My Uncle ended up harvesting the deer in the first picture which to this day still stings a little. But as most say it’s better to be lucky than good! That’s exactly what happened, he climbed in a blind within a cluster of trees in an open field at 5 pm on Nov 2nd 2018 and that deer walked out at 5:20 by himself and the rest is history!! The other buck was one I could never pattern at all. Once you think your solid, Mother Nature kicks you square in the nuts. In 2017, I guessed him at 5-6 so that would make him 8-9 now. His head gear from last year shows his age, his tines that he once had kinda turned into “flaming brow tines”. He is/was a true monarch buck for me. I feed off the challenge more than anything. No regrets, maybe I will be blessed with more of the same. Good lord willing!!!!!

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Lol. I can honestly say I hunted my ass off for both of those deer. Work always got in the way...as usual!!A lot of strategies and planning that went into it that just never paid off ( for me at least). My Uncle ended up harvesting the deer in the first picture which to this day still stings a little. But as most say it’s better to be lucky than good! That’s exactly what happened, he climbed in a blind within a cluster of trees in an open field at 5 pm on Nov 2nd 2018 and that deer walked out at 5:20 by himself and the rest is history!! The other buck was one I could never pattern at all. Once you think your solid, Mother Nature kicks you square in the nuts. In 2017, I guessed him at 5-6 so that would make him 8-9 now. His head gear from last year shows his age, his tines that he once had kinda turned into “flaming brow tines”. He is/was a true monarch buck for me. I feed off the challenge more than anything. No regrets, maybe I will be blessed with more of the same. Good lord willing!!!!!
A buck that old is a trophy no matter the size of the rack! Hope you get him.👍
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Well-Known Member
Nw oh
This buck could be alive still never killed yet or By man legally . this was 3yrs ago. One trail cam pic on my place. A hunter had him 3 years consistent then vanished....this happens about once every 3 or 4 years around here until someone gets a deer of a lifetime. Ghosts.


Ragin Cajun.
Well I must say y’all have had some experiences w some truly awesome deer. Down here the forest are very thick and you are lucky to see a mature buck once....better make it count.

I’ve always been the brides maid when it comes to killing and seeing good bucks. Can hunt great sign for a week and don’t see an hair. Put a friend in the same tree and has bucks about run them over [emoji2373].

So this past week I was in Kansas, seen many dink bucks and one buck around 120’s and I let one fly over his back. A day later I don’t hunt the evening, wind was wrong for my only stand and had put up two ground blinds for the boys. Pulling up to the property 15 minutes before dark, I see a deer next to the fence. Look over and there stands the biggest buck I have ever seen. He’s guarding the doe merely 25 yards from my truck on the gravel road. My bow is in an ice chest on the property so I reach for the binoculars. As I focus on the buck and raise to check his headgear I’m like omg. Seemed to be an 8pt frame, heavy like a 10 oz can of beer w tines at least 15” tall. The width was way outside his ears and had a 5-6” drop off the left beam. I got out the truck to maybe nudge the doe to go the direction my son was at 200 yards away. They just stood there. Finally I started to talk/speak loudly and she started walking off heading to my son. I texted him and told him a giant was coming. They didn’t make it all the way to him before turning off and staying in the pasture.

I’ve killed a 149 3/8 8 pt and this deer would eat this one up. His body looked like a quarter horse w a giant drop in his chest. I can’t even guess just how many inches he was carrying but we will be back mid December. You know who we will be looking for.