Huge fan of the Meat Church product line. Honey Bacon Barbecue and the Gospel are very good. Giles, you should try the Fajita blend.
I use a bunch of different spices over here, depending on what I'm making. Garlic/salt and pepper are obvious ones. I have tried all of the Everglades Seasonings, good stuff. Hard Core Carnivore is awesome on steaks, especially over a fire or charcoal. A product that I always have is called Pappy's. I literally "put that shit on everything" and have ever since my sister in California brought me some 25 plus years ago. Also, always have Mrs. Dash in the cupboard. Try Epicurean Specialty Truffle Parmesan and Black Garlic next time you make mushrooms with some butter. (You can thank me later for this one.) I also make several different spice blends from scratch, I got the recipes from the book MeatHead. He also has a website with the recipes at Try the Memphis Dust for pork butts and ribs. The Simon & Garfunkel recipe is awesome on poultry.
If I could only have one seasoning other than salt/pepper and garlic for the rest of my life, (thank god I don't) it would probably be Pappy's.
Anyone have a IG account? I recently set one up just to share food I make. A couple of guys from work and I were constantly sending pics of what we made to each other and Kristi said I was having a food affair LOL. That's how ronsfoodaffairs came about.