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Fawns 2024!

I finally seen some fawns by my house! I've been watching a large doe that has an utter full of milk, so I knew there were fawns in the area, but I hadn't seen them yet. :unsure:
I stood there in this grassy waterway swatting mosquitoes for a while, watching them watch me. They were very curious, as I bleated at them a couple of times and then they started to walk towards me. So, I backed up about 20 feet and they just kept coming closer. They were about 25 yards away and closed to about 20 yards, before I backed out and walked away. :)

The reason of how I bumped into them in the first place, was that I'd seen a coyote on the other side of that woods. I watched him enter the woods by the west side waterway. So, I was attempting to cut him off by coming in from the east....and never seen him again. :unsure: I'll have to spend a few days in that area, in hopes of getting that coyote killed off. ☠️🐾

Anyway.... Here are the cuties! :cool:
Fawns 1.jpg

Fawns 2.jpg

Fawns 3.jpg

Fawns 5.jpg