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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I put a feeder out once in a spot I had just been dumping the corn on the ground. Had bucks coming to the pile on a regular basis at night. After the feeder was up and running never had a single buck come back to it for the month the feeder was there. Took the feeder out and they came back...

Same here. I've never had a pic of a good buck at our feeder and it was in the same place as last year where I got tons of good bucks on film when feeding of the ground. All of a sudden this year they disappeared. The only new variable was the feeder.
In another location we ground fed and that is where we were getting the good bucks. I think a feeder makes a mature buck a little weary.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I run 4 feeders and they are all Moultrie...They work good and they have been good with my customer service. I keep an extra head around in case one goes down......I like my timer to go off early in the evening and late in the morning as it doesn't seem to scare the bucks off. If you check around at different feed stores....I found a place that sells it for 13 cents a pound. I line my Ranger with a tarp, fill it clear full 1600# and it comes to 208.00..........Sure beats 9-10 a bag and it is usually cleaner corn and does not clog your funnel. As far as the Critters go, I have a roll of screen that will help varmit proof the actual head and helps a lot! I have a pic somewhere of one coon spinning the corn out and 7 of his buddies having "Free Fuggin McDonalds" on my tab.....Cleaned out 225# in about 10-14 days...should have been about 60 days. If squirrels get used to your feeder and you let it run out for awhile....They will chew a hole in the lid looking for corn! Just a few of my personal hard nocks.....

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
You might have good luck with feeders in or close to cities or houses where bucks know there is people but if you go and put a feeder out in the boonies where I hunt they'll stay away from it... This is my experience with it so if you guys have good luck with it keep at it but if you put corn on the ground and have good mature bucks hittin it don't stick a feeder in there and expect him to keep comin...
I think that does adapt to feeders readily. But, mature bucks usually shy away from them. My photo shows this bucks first encounter with my feeder. Note his posture in the first photo. Looks like a scared puppy. But look at the times and how quick he adapted to using it. Funny thing is I never saw this buck again at this feeder. Probably just passing through.


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Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
You might have good luck with feeders in or close to cities or houses where bucks know there is people but if you go and put a feeder out in the boonies where I hunt they'll stay away from it... This is my experience with it so if you guys have good luck with it keep at it but if you put corn on the ground and have good mature bucks hittin it don't stick a feeder in there and expect him to keep comin...

The bucks hit my feeders on a daily basis. During the early season it is at night, but starting the first week of Nov I get numerous pics of 3.5+ YO bucks checking feeders for does. They do the same in my food plots as well. Usually though, they check them when I am not hunting. I have a 10 on my hit list this year that I have caught at 8am on numerous occasions standing next to my feeder, 20 yards from one of my stands. He never showed up while I was hunting. It's like he would check them for a day or two, vanish for a couple days, and then come back. Kind of goes back to what I was saying before. If I had more than 2 days to hunt in a row I could kill him.......no doubt in my mind.


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Senior Member
In our best spot we have down home, we run a feeder to try and keep the does close, as there are few of them there. We have had several 140" + deer come in with a doe during the rut, never hit the feeder, just keeping tabs on the doe. On our lease we ran six feeders over 665 acres to keep them around. I was able to hunt it during gun this year, with the feeders not running since Feb. Deer sightings were Way down. And our one area that is closest to town, we can't keep the does away.


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Senior Member
This buck was taken off the lease, and his belly was full of corn.. We were the only ones around running corn. Didnt run feeders down there because they got stolen..

And i think this fat boy may have been eating some corn.. :smiley_crocodile:


Junior Member
Maumee, OH
Cabelas has dropped prices on all their feeders. I just picked up an ez fill. Thought I would give a heads up to all those who are looking for a feeder.