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Finally!!!!!!! 10 years of trying!


Senior Member
Took long enough, but I finnaly got one of those bastards!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Cotty - that's a southern James Bay canada. They're a specific sub-species of canada goose, and a definite trophy bird. http://www.ducks.org/hunting/waterfowl-id/canada-goose

Nice job Kaiser... I'm gonna assume he's heading to the taxidermist? :smiley_clap: Looking forward to seeing what the band info says once you get it back.

I'm not even sure they're putting the orange neck collars on them anymore because of the ease of identifying the birds.

Copied from the USFWS...

The Southern James Bay Population (SJBP) of Canada geese nests along the southwestern shore of James Bay in Ontario and on Akimiski Island in James Bay, a portion of the Northwest Territories. Spring surveys on the breeding grounds indicate the population has fluctuated at a relatively low level, ranging from 77,345 in 1993 to 136,623 in 1999. No trend in population size is evident. On Akimiski Island, evidence from band recoveries suggests that mortality of young prior to the onset of the sport-hunting season has been high. There is also some suggestion that nesting habitats are being negatively impacted by rapidly expanding populations of staging snow geese. The Service and the Mississippi and Atlantic Flyway Councils remain concerned about the Southern James Bay population, and efforts to limit the harvest of this population will continue until a better understanding of the factors affecting population growth is obtained and population recovery is well under way.


Senior Member
Cotty - that's a southern James Bay canada. They're a specific sub-species of canada goose, and a definite trophy bird. http://www.ducks.org/hunting/waterfowl-id/canada-goose

Nice job Kaiser... I'm gonna assume he's heading to the taxidermist? :smiley_clap: Looking forward to seeing what the band info says once you get it back.

I'm not even sure they're putting the orange neck collars on them anymore because of the ease of identifying the birds.

Copied from the USFWS...

The Southern James Bay Population (SJBP) of Canada geese nests along the southwestern shore of James Bay in Ontario and on Akimiski Island in James Bay, a portion of the Northwest Territories. Spring surveys on the breeding grounds indicate the population has fluctuated at a relatively low level, ranging from 77,345 in 1993 to 136,623 in 1999. No trend in population size is evident. On Akimiski Island, evidence from band recoveries suggests that mortality of young prior to the onset of the sport-hunting season has been high. There is also some suggestion that nesting habitats are being negatively impacted by rapidly expanding populations of staging snow geese. The Service and the Mississippi and Atlantic Flyway Councils remain concerned about the Southern James Bay population, and efforts to limit the harvest of this population will continue until a better understanding of the factors affecting population growth is obtained and population recovery is well under way.

It was banded in Nunuvat in 2002. When i got the bird in my hands and saw the band was a 0958, Iknew it was a 2002 bird. They actually no longer put collars on them. They stopped about 2 years ago or so. They stopped putting them on them just for that reason, they were easier to target. I knew I had to shoot one quick, otherwise I wasnt gonna get one. That is the second ornge collar we got this year! We shot one in October too. Shooting a James bay bird in October should answer their questions of why the James bay birds are slowly decreasing. They are obviously not returning all the way to nunavut. They seem to be summering in lower canada and in the states. THey are the true lesser canada subspecies. Now they are cross breeding with all other subspecies making the "lesser" subspecies a fading trend. I am pretty sure all orange collars come from Nunavut.

Schu, we hunt all over Tcounty, top to bottom! I live in strasburg!

Mao, that field is no longer holding birds, but I will let you know when we get another good field!


Tatonka guide.
nice job zach!! you gonna mount that thing? my brother got his first pintail last weekend and it was a beaut...canvas backs are next...


*Supporting Member*
Congrats...Ya gotta feel bad for those necl collared birds...They might as well paint a bullseye one em...lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Cool man, I didn't know a goose would even live that many years. Would that be considered a boone and crockett class goose in the waterfowl world?


Senior Member
Cool man, I didn't know a goose would even live that many years. Would that be considered a boone and crockett class goose in the waterfowl world?

Waterfowl actually live to be quite old! I shot a Mallard in Janunary of 2009 that was banded in 1994! Last year I shot a canada that was banded in 2000! Its amazing holw old they can live to be! I dont recal what the oldest recorded bird shot was, but it was in the 20s! I have seen photos of birds whos bandes were almost worn smooth. Not to mention there are birds out there that are so old their bands jsut wear off!

Milo, no I am not mounting it! I have a line of things that need mounted, no sense in adding another to it! ha I lopped its head and leg off and took my prizes! ha


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Cool as hell Zach. Congrats again!! :smiley_cheers:

I've also heard that the James Bay geese migration course runs directly through Ohio, and that is one of the main reasons that the daily limit on canadas is 2 in Ohio. If you look at surrounding states the daily limit is much higher, so I guess I could see where that makes sense.