He looks great, Ric! Can't wait to see karissa's also! Where did she come up with the name Cornwallis?
Aside from being the last name of the British General who surrendered at Yorktown it was my idea Chad. Karissa has listened to her Uncle Ron and dad talking about deer over the years while using the names we've given them. I never had a name for her deer because I never really had enough history with him to have one for him.
After he was found,tagged and recovered I had her helping me clean up the head for in preparation for the trip to Derry's. During this she asked me what would be a good name for him. This made me smile and so we started thinking of one. Since he came storming his way into our set from a standing cornfield like he owned it and had stalks hanging off both sides of his rack that is the basis of his name I guess. Cornfield General....Cornwallis...lol
Chad, does that sound corny? Lol
I know some out there in the hunting community think naming deer is stupid or whatever but Ron and I and our buddies have been doing this since the mid 80's and it's been a funny part of our hunting festivities. When I heard Karissa wanting to name her deer it made my day! Chip off the old block for sure lol