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First bow-buck down!!!!


Active Member
Norton, OH
Been busy, but on Saturday, I was fortunate enough to harvest my first bow-kill buck. I was in stand early and had a small buck come through, then it was just pretty slow. Until 10:30. Everyone who hunted Saturday in NE Ohio knows the woods were quiet from the wet leaves. I happened to turn my head and catch movement to my left, and this guy was angling away from me at 45 yards. I waited to see if he would catch one trail and come back towards me, but he didn't. So, I gave him a few grunts and got him to turn his head. A couple tending grunts and he came right in to 25 yards. I didn't see where the shot hit him, so I gave him about an hour. The arrow gave me hope, though...

So I followed spotty blood here and there, until I started seeing more blood like this...

Until about 150 yards later, this is what I came upon, laid up under a small tree between two little mounds.

What I thought had been a bad shot turned out to be a double-lung hit, and I had my buck!

Happiness is an understatement...



Active Member
Norton, OH
I do my own butchering and found this slug under his hide, mid gut, just below the backstrap. It was completely healed around, with no wound channel, infection, nothing. The sabot had been absorbed and the flesh has welded to the slug, and the skin grew around it... amazing...

Ready for the taxidermist. I don't remember who had suggested him on here, but I took it to Knight's Taxidermy in Clinton, OH. Guy is the State and National Taxidermy champion, and he is competitively priced to boot.

He dressed at 168, and this is what he yielded. He's gonna be sausage. Any recipes?????



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
That is one heck of a buck and a great one for your first bow kill. That is nuts about the slug that you found in him. Cool pics TOO.

Your smile says it all! :smiley_blink:


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
That is an awesome buck and you flat out smoke that sucker. Congrats.

That is crazy with the slug just stuck there like that. I can't believe it didn't penetrate any further then that. I bet that guy was scratching his head wondering where his buck went.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Great deer! Congrads!!
That slug is wild. Its great you did the photo story. Nice Job!;)