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First day numbers


Can we peek at the number of archery kills in the last three years along side the gun numbers. I'm lazy and don't feel like doing the leg work. I think we have a numbers guy on here, cough cough Joe.

I have a spreadsheet I built and have kept current with all of the history since 2002, Gun, Youth, MZ, archery, number of tags, success percentage, automobile kills, damage permits, etc. I just have no way of posting a PDF on this site. Send me your e-mail and I will e-mail to you or if Joe wants to post it I can send it to him if he sends me his e-mail.


Senior Member
perhaps these geniuses that pour hundreds of pounds of corn on the ground constantly have never heard of Chronic Wasting Disease? sounds to me like if the state made baiting illegal across the board(and made a good faith effort to enforce that law), deer number would go up fast because nobody knows how to kill a deer without a bait pile anymore. :rolleyes:


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Right now it’s the only way too pad their #’s....
J you are probably right... But dont feel bad as yesterday was Jerseys opening day of gun.. I did not hear a single shot or see a single deer.. I also talked to friends and they had the same results in different areas.. After years of unlimited doe days the deer herd has been decimated.. You cannot run deer season from Sept through Feb. Without drastic results..


Supporting Member
Ross County
I'm going suggest that more "baby boomers" have retired from hunting altogether.

I don't know that with certainty, however I'm willing to bet on it.

The number of hunters and/or tags sold would be the key Indicators for me compared to what was actually harvested.

I suspect there aren't as many hunters out there this year compared to, lets say 2010, but I could be mistaken 'TOO'!

I've read the articles and seen the reports from over the past few years that suggest that the sport of hunting is dramatically on the decline among younger generations believe it or not.

I tend to be a believer myself...
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Well-Known Member
Nw oh
I'm going suggest that more "baby boomers" have retired from hunting altogether.

I don't know that with certainty, however I'm willing to bet on it.

The number of hunters and/or tags sold would be the key Indicators for me compared to what was actually harvested.

I suspect there aren't as many hunters out there this year compared to, lets say 2010, but I could be mistaken 'TOO'!

I've read the articles and seen the reports from over the past few years that suggest that the sport of hunting is dramatically on the decline among younger generations believe it or not.

I tend to be a believer myself...
I told my wife this last night. The baby boomers are slowing down or hanging it up or dieing(sorry any boomers on here). Looking at hunting like the construction trades now not much interest.


There aren't less deer tho . Just crappy weather and less people gun hunting .

I spend alot of time working in rural areas and honestly I saw more vehicles parked along roads hunting in early Nov than I did on gun opener

I know I am week late joining the conversation, but this hit the nail on the head, nobody gun hunts anymore, people that are occasional hunters/non die hards like us, have figured out they can buy a $400 dollars cross bow that shoot 12839873 feet per second and it literally takes little to no skill to use and no longer gun hunt very hard. But there are enough gun hunters opening day to screw up the deer and keep them from moving/get them off their natural patterns the rest of the week, but not enough hunters to really keep the sketchy deer moving. This is what I experience anyways.


I'm going suggest that more "baby boomers" have retired from hunting altogether.

I don't know that with certainty, however I'm willing to bet on it.

The number of hunters and/or tags sold would be the key Indicators for me compared to what was actually harvested.

I suspect there aren't as many hunters out there this year compared to, lets say 2010, but I could be mistaken 'TOO'!

I've read the articles and seen the reports from over the past few years that suggest that the sport of hunting is dramatically on the decline among younger generations believe it or not.

I tend to be a believer myself...
I wish this was the case in my area, seems like every year there are more and more bow hunters hunting any tree line they can get permission for. I have absolutely no data to support my claim, but it seems like I see more trucks/suvs parked on during bow season in my area than I ever did before.
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Well I'm no rocket scientist, BUT.... If all the baby boomers are dying off or hanging it up and the new generation is not into hunting and would rather play video games. That would equate to less hunters, which in turn would equate in more deer... Just saying....:unsure::unsure:


Supporting Member
Ross County
Hunting is very expensive no matter how you look at it or get into it.

The hunting industry itself has changed dramatically just over the last 30 years.

What was once a true family tradition/heritage is now become controlled by corporate interests and/or capitalism, those that seek to get filthy rich within the industry.


I'm all for the 'American way' so to speak, however over the past few decades, many within the indystry have taken significant advantage by simply marketing & selling that 'Dream' to anyone who's willing to listen along with buying up whatever land resources they could for high priced leases.

And guess what?

I do believe it worked perfectly for good bit.

That's the 'American way' nowadays.

Everyone wants thier moment in the spotlight to show off their trophies that they killed, but at what expense?

Unfortunately, for many, that moment can cost a small fortune, whether it be financially, emotionally, physically or all the above.

Much of the younger generations either simply don't get it, or care for it or don't wish to follow that silly 'Dream' from whomever is selling it.

Good for them I say!

The sport of hunting must get back to it's true roots and I believe that starts with good old fashion traditional family up bringing in my humble opinion.
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Staff member
That sounds like it sucks to have to compete with corn piles all around you...almost forces your hand to bait.

We talked about this in our group text this weekend. I said I support a ban on baiting and did so while talking out of the other side of my mouth as I dumped 300 #s of golden acorns. The only way I can compete on my 11 acres these days is to have the "smartest" bait pile. What was once pinch point and funnel heaven with no pressure (except me) on 200+ acres has been boiled down to 6-8 corn piles and 6-8 hunters. Just last week I drove "around the block" at last light and what do I see glowing on the hillside above the swamp that harbored many an old buck over the years? A corn pile the size of a Volkswagon. It was 300 yards off the road and I could see it plain as day. For 25 years, no one hunted anywhere near that spot and we (locals) only went in there to hunt rabbits or track deer. Now, that pile is one of at least 3 just like it on that 62 acres.

I'd much rather it be like the old days when the deer moved naturally and I could rely on our funnel being productive if I sat long enough. Now, deer don't need to travel through there because corn piles (and the pressure that comes with it) have completely altered deer movement back there. If I hope to compete, I need to offer them the most secure and "safe" source of food. My strategy today is no longer based on scouting and observation, it's based on my knowledge of our property (strengths and weaknesses), what others are doing, and how to manipulate the habitat/food to my advantage. It's still a chess game, but one that's been artificially interjected into my reality.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em is where I've landed on the topic. What does it matter if I choose to not contribute to the increased chance of CWD transmission if a dozen other guys in our square mile are doing it? Ban it and I'll follow the rules. Until then, I'm playing the game within the rules, and with the cards I've been dealt.


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The sport of hunting must get back to it's true roots and I believe that starts with good old fashion traditional family up bringing in my humble opinion.

Wildlife this would be great, IF THERE WERE DEER.... I really feel bad for the guys with children that they want to introduce to hunting and carry on the family tradition... What kid wants to go out for days on end AND SEE NO DEER??? How long do you think you will keep them interested??? Hell... I spend a day or two in the woods without seeing as much as a tail and I'm ready to put all my hunting stuff away... When you introduce a kid to fishing you take them to a pond that's loaded with sunnies and they say: wow this is fun... Well hunting is the same way... Thank God I'm not raising any future hunters...

Jesse... You are 110% right about bait piles... I HATE THEM... But when in Rome you have to do as the Romans do... I refuse to bait deer, however I'm forced to bait bears here in Jersey or I might as well sit home as others are dumping truckloads of bread,donuts whatever and once found the bears will congregate there... Plus I feel me being selective on what I shoot I am saving some bears when baiting 2 miles in as most hunters are lazy and are not going to lug bait in very far... Like last year I had a sow and 2 newborn cubs on my bait every day and I passed on her several times... Had they found bait out by a road they would have been shot by some hunter just wanting to say they shot a bear... I love it when on state land someone comes in and dumps a load of corn "and claims that spot to be his" and its within 20 yds of an old oak tree you've been hunting for 20 years.... Baiting sucks... CWD for the deer and moldy corn is the worst thing for wild turkeys..... Hey you want to remove those corn piles on that acreage you were talking about??? I'm still looking to lease a piece and there would never be a pile of corn... LOL


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
Jesse, you nailed it with that post. I’m late to the game but will be playing it next fall because I crave watching deer. I have not had that opportunity the past few years in Ohio. I WILL give myself a chance next year. But then I’ve said that before.

I have kept a very detailed journal of each hunt since the 80s. I have always been right at or above 1 deer per hour each season with most seasons being over 200 of each. This year I am at 157 deer and 210 hours in stand. By far my worst season ever. The Ohio numbers are 70/121. Wow, that was painful to tally up. WV wasn’t even positive but that was public land.


Staff member
I have been chasing the same state (one deer seen per hour on stand) since I started keeping track 11-12 years ago. That stat has been steadily declining and if it were not for late season hunting, I'd never come close to it. And much like you, part of why I like the baiting strategy is because I get to watch more deer that way. It's not all about the kill for me. Hell, just watching 3-4 deer mill around for 30 minutes beats the pants off getting bloody. After a long season, the post-gun season baiting strategy is a nice break from the monotony of starting at leaves and cussing squirrels!


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
The sport of hunting must get back to it's true roots and I believe that starts with good old fashion traditional family up bringing in my humble opinion.

Wildlife this would be great, IF THERE WERE DEER.... I really feel bad for the guys with children that they want to introduce to hunting and carry on the family tradition... What kid wants to go out for days on end AND SEE NO DEER??? How long do you think you will keep them interested??? Hell... I spend a day or two in the woods without seeing as much as a tail and I'm ready to put all my hunting stuff away... When you introduce a kid to fishing you take them to a pond that's loaded with sunnies and they say: wow this is fun... Well hunting is the same way... Thank God I'm not raising any future hunters...

Jesse... You are 110% right about bait piles... I HATE THEM... But when in Rome you have to do as the Romans do... I refuse to bait deer, however I'm forced to bait bears here in Jersey or I might as well sit home as others are dumping truckloads of bread,donuts whatever and once found the bears will congregate there... Plus I feel me being selective on what I shoot I am saving some bears when baiting 2 miles in as most hunters are lazy and are not going to lug bait in very far... Like last year I had a sow and 2 newborn cubs on my bait every day and I passed on her several times... Had they found bait out by a road they would have been shot by some hunter just wanting to say they shot a bear... I love it when on state land someone comes in and dumps a load of corn "and claims that spot to be his" and its within 20 yds of an old oak tree you've been hunting for 20 years.... Baiting sucks... CWD for the deer and moldy corn is the worst thing for wild turkeys..... Hey you want to remove those corn piles on that acreage you were talking about??? I'm still looking to lease a piece and there would never be a pile of corn... LOL

I did NOT do that! I wasn't trying to hijack your post. Made my own and hit post reply...it posted twice, once on yours. But excellent post on your part.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I did NOT do that! I wasn't trying to hijack your post. Made my own and hit post reply...it posted twice, once on yours. But excellent post on your part.
HUH???? Do what??? Whatever NO BIGGIE.... I think we are on the same page anyway's... On a side note: What the hell is wrong with them Penquins???