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First Yote Of The Year


*Supporting Member*
The coyotes have really moved in to our area and I decided it's time to thin some out. I hung four snares two days ago with plans of getting more out.

It didn't take long as I had this small male waiting for me this morning. For this area he would have had a decent hide in a few months, still doesn't look bad. I'm not giving them time to prime as yotes from around here don't bring much anyways. I'll jerk the hide off him and freeze it. I have some other hides I need to send off to get tanned, I might add him to the bunch.

Bad dog

Good dog!



*Supporting Member*

What brand snares are you using, or did you make them yourself?

Those are made by Rally Hess, from Rally Snares. He'll custom make what you need, or he used to.

Dang I'll bet their a little pissed when you come up to them. Will a yote chew its leg off? What caliber is the pistol?

I've had some that were pissed, had some that sit like a dog on a chain, had some howl and bark, and ones like this that lay there and look at you.

The thing about animals chewing their leg off gets blown out of proportion. Canines caught in footholds will try to twist out and even jump on the traps, but not chew. That yote has a snare around his neck and has no reason to chew at anything but the cable, witch that one didn't. Coon can be bad for chewing but they aren't trying to chew themselves. Their foot will go numb from the jaws of the trap cutting off the circulation. They chew at the trap and don't even know they are chewing on their foot. Anyone who tells you differently is full of shit.

The pistol is a Ruger single six. One .22 cb cap between the eyes takes almost any animal down at point blank range.

Hopefully there's not as many of them around as I think, only time will tell.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Nice going Badger, you set the snares up all year or just after summer? How many pounds you think he goes? How many you average a year?


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Thanks RC. I'd be happy to show you some snaring tips sometime.

That would be pretty cool.

I have always liked the thought of trapping. The only problem is I never knew anybody that did it. I am the type of person that can read how to do certain things and for some reason it just doesn't stick unless I SEE somebody due it or have somebody walk me through the process.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
That would be pretty cool.

I have always liked the thought of trapping. The only problem is I never knew anybody that did it. I am the type of person that can read how to do certain things and for some reason it just doesn't stick unless I SEE somebody due it or have somebody walk me through the process.

Badger so when is school opening up??? Do I need a notebook??? Red you bring the beer lol


*Supporting Member*
Nice going Badger, you set the snares up all year or just after summer? How many pounds you think he goes? How many you average a year?

J, this is the earliest I've trapped yotes. Usually I wait until everything else is in season. That is unless I'm doing a nuisance job for someone. That one was a male and right about 40# I'm not a high numbers guy when it comes to canine trapping. Coon, beaver, rats, and mink are my thing. If I left the water alone I could do better on the canines.

I could use some snare lessons too. Seems like something I could get into.

Nice job!!!
If you ever get interested let me know and maybe we can work something out.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Badger, I work in your neck of the woods. Up at the Airport. If you ever have the time to show a novice (rookie) the ropes let me know.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice work Badger. I bought some snares, but haven't put them to use yet. After deer season, they are going to get a workout. Looking forward to some pointers. I have the basic understanding, but I am sure there are some tricks to be learned.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I agree badger. I have never seen a critter chew above the trap jaw. Always below the jaw. When the foot goes numb they mess it up chewing at the trap. This fella that hunts one of the properties I do had a deer get eaten overnight last year. He went off on the yotes. The farm has cattle on it and has square hog fence with a single strand of barbwire on top. He spent a week of evenings blocking off every hole under the fence on 300 acres. He left only 10 holes about the size of a basketball for the whole thing. Hung snares and caught 13 yotes in 1 month. Old boy knocked their dicks in the dirt. If a breeding pair will kill 14 fawns a year like they say. He theoretically saved 90 fawns this spring.


*Supporting Member*
Catching 13 in a month tells ya there's a serious problem that needs addressed. I get tired of hearing about how we need them to balance out the deer population. Most of my life I have lived where there wasn't any yotes. We were never over run with deer. Now that them suckers are taking hold around here the deer population sure is thinner. I'm not talking about the whole county, I'm speaking about my area I hunt and trap. Remember that old saying be careful what you wish for? I'm regretting that I ever wished I had yotes to trap.

I'll be putting out a few more snares today. I'll try to get some pics to help some of you get started.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Dang, ya stole my thunder Badger, I was going to ask you if you got a chance if you could post some pictures of the snare and how you set it up. Good Job big guy!