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Fletch's 2023 Black Bear Season....




Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This is pretty darn exciting. Been working my lists and prepping gear, everything staged in the garage and ready to pack the truck tomorrow night. These pictures are awesome. Gotta say first legit shot gets taken...part of me wants a bow kill and part of me really wants to use my muzzy. I can hardly believe it's almost here.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
This is pretty darn exciting. Been working my lists and prepping gear, everything staged in the garage and ready to pack the truck tomorrow night. These pictures are awesome. Gotta say first legit shot gets taken...part of me wants a bow kill and part of me really wants to use my muzzy. I can hardly believe it's almost here.
Dan... I told ya I'd put you on bears.... Just remember they are wild animals with a mind of their own.... Nothing is a given... But I feel pretty good about the odds... Esp. with a lot showing up during the day...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I know 2 guys that are counting down the minutes at work today... I'm actually looking forward to Sun. And checking the cameras again to see if any giants show up... Camera checks are as much fun as actual hunting...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Was gonna post more pics.... But wanted to purchase some BOUNTY PAPER TOWEL STOCK before Jon got all worked up again.....


Senior Member
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Just spoke with Jon, he's on the road to meet Dan... Had hoped they left earlier so they'd get here with some daylight left and we could get some boots on the ground in the spot furthest North... Guess tomorrow we will be busy... So today depending on time they arrive we'll get them checked in at their motel and go to dinner, which will either be a Rodizo place or a Thai restaurant... Looking forward to this as it will get my mind off of things for at least a week...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Try and enjoy the little moments. This is huge for these ohio fellas. They'll never forget this.
Dave.... I intend on enjoying EVERY MOMENT with them.... I know they have really been looking forward to this week and I've put 110% effort into making it a success.... I hope one day when I'm long gone they tell their kids or grandkids about an adventure they went on to a state that is thought of as a concrete jungle and overpopulated. They are in for a surprise... Due to my current situation I'm not hunting Mon. Tues. or Wed. and will be hanging around if they need any help, however I will be out checking other areas in case theirs go dry... I do think they are in for quite the adventure....