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Florida Bow Opener


*Supporting Member III*
Spent all day today in the woods. I've been waiting for today for a long time.

I didn't know that this season would mean as much to me as it does this time last year. My 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the end of June this year. Just 10 weeks after her diagnosis, that tumor took her life and she went to be with Jesus. It has been a rough two weeks since her death, but God is watching over our family. I know she is in no pain, so it does me good to know it's just something that our family has to get through...she's as good as ever :) I went to the woods today to talk with her and with God. I did just that. I sat in my tree and watched all that God has put in to place and was grateful. I was glad that she could come on this hunt with me too. She always wanted to hunt with me, but never quite was old enough to be able to sit. Today, she hung with me all day. It was sweet.

About 7pm tonight I was talking to her and a little 6pt walked in. I decided right then it was the buck that I was supposed to take today. She led him my way. So I did. Broadside, double lung, at 20 yards, perfection.

It isn't my biggest deer, but it is the one I am most proud of. Ava brought me that deer and we took him together. I'll post a pic tomorrow, but for now I just wanted to share the story with some other guys that would know what I meant when I talked about how cool this was for me.

Now, on to the bigger boys that she will lead me to this fall. It was a great day today.

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Senior Member
I went to the woods today to talk with her and with God. I did just that. I sat in my tree and watched all that God has put in to place and was grateful. I was glad that she could come on this hunt with me too. She always wanted to hunt with me, but never quite was old enough to be able to sit. Today, she hung with me all day. It was sweet.

Amen. There are several people on here that are members of God's treestand church and I am one of them. There's not a better place in the entire world to talk to Him and remember others.

Can't wait to see your buck!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Buddy. I never know what to say in situations like this. I am extremely sorrowful for your loss. And want you to know i feel for you and your family. I am happy to see you have your head up and working through it. Takes a strong man to do that. Thanks for sharing your hunt story with Ava. Perhaps we should all take Ava hunting on opening day.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
First off, I just want to say that I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I can't even begin to imagine, or understand what you and your family have gone through in the past 10 weeks. But, sharing that hunt, and that deer, with Ava and God is truly an amazing thing. And we're fortunate to have you share that story and picture with us. Thank you. That's a great buck!!


Junior Member
Canton, Ohio
That was an outstanding hunt and I am very sorry for your loss. By the sound of it you have your sights on what is right, and that will continue to carry you through.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Sorry to hear about your loss, I am speechless about it and I feel very bad for you. Congratulations on a fine buck and I am sure your daughter will give you the strength you need to get through the tough times.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I gotta tears in my eyes too! That's some deep stuff for a bunch of heartless Bambi killers! ;) I can't imagine the pain you all have been through, but I'm glad to see your strong in your faith. My condolences for your loss and my congrats on your fine kill! There's nothing like spending time in God's church and having His glory shown to you in way some will never experience or understand.

Thanks for sharing Willy!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Thank you for sharing Willy. I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your Ava. The scripture comes to mind "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away." The Lord blessed you with a beautiful little girl and I am sure that the memories, even though aren't as many as you would like, are great memories. But the Lord decided to bring her home for a reason, and as long as you stay strong in your faith this trying time with bring glory to His name and your family. I hold strong to a little saying and it helped me through a very difficult time when we almost lost our daughter. "FAITH ENABLES US TO WITHSTAND WHAT WE CAN'T UNDERSTAND." Keep strong and we will be praying for you and your family as life moves on.

Congratulations on a great buck and hunt. I am sure Ava is going to be with you on more hunts than just today.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am very sorry to hear about your loss. Like Joe said, I think we should all take Ava with us on opening day, and the rest of our loved ones that have been taken from us too soon. Thank you for sharing your story.


*Supporting Member III*
You guys are some good dudes. I appreciate the sentiments. Good to know I got some friends in the cyber world praying for and supporting my family during this time. Much appreciated on the condolences for Ava and the congrats on the little buck. I like the idea of Ava heading out to the woods with all of you guys. If you ever want to read the story through her journey you can go to http://joshuajoelhunter.blogspot.com/. It started on June 27th. Ended Sept 4th. Keep us in your prayers and Ava with you in the woods. May she guide some deer your way...she loved to look at the deer cams on OS and I know she would have loved the trail cam on TOO as well...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Thanks for the link to your story.

If you have some time you guys really need to read this!!!!!!


Both the wife and I have taken some time and read a little about all that you and your family have endured over the past few months... talk about putting things in perspective. It's some powerful stuff, and you can definitely add the Currans to the growing list of people that Ava has had an influence on.... she was in my thoughts this morning for Ohio's opener.