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Dignitary Member
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Putting the steps in is right.


And most of it is not an easy walk.


But some of it is. But odds are you won't kill a pig there.


*Supporting Member*
My buddy and I came across a small swamp pond with gators. It took me a bit to adjust to the new hunting habitat. You take 99 steps in ankle deep water, get confident, then 1 wrong step and your up to your nuts in water. I didnt know what to look for at first. I knew what the tracks, wallows and rooting looked like after walking a bit. I found sparse old sign and some fresh the first bit I was there until i went and helped Joe drag out his yesterday. The spot he found looked like someone blew up 30 tons of thermite along the swamp floor. By the time I had an idea, it was time to pack it up and head back this morning. Once @Jackalope & @Chancegriffis found them thick towards the south, it was non stop action. I wish we could have stayed another day or 2 but I learned alot.

Appreciate the invite and hospitality @Chancegriffis & @Jackalope. I recommend anyone to make the trip. The campground has a great hog cleaning station and a shower house.

BTW Georgia is horrible, state troopers out the ass. We got pulled over once south of Atlanta for trailing a commercial van too close (no ticket). Then i blew a tire north of Atlanta, luckily another trooper spotted it gave us road cover. Thankfully i took a floor jack and my dewalt impact.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
My buddy and I came across a small swamp pond with gators. It took me a bit to adjust to the new hunting habitat. You take 99 steps in ankle deep water, get confident, then 1 wrong step and your up to your nuts in water. I didnt know what to look for at first. I knew what the tracks, wallows and rooting looked like after walking a bit. I found sparse old sign and some fresh the first bit I was there until i went and helped Joe drag out his yesterday. The spot he found looked like someone blew up 30 tons of thermite along the swamp floor. By the time I had an idea, it was time to pack it up and head back this morning. Once @Jackalope & @Chancegriffis found them thick towards the south, it was non stop action. I wish we could have stayed another day or 2 but I learned alot.

Appreciate the invite and hospitality @Chancegriffis & @Jackalope. I recommend anyone to make the trip. The campground has a great hog cleaning station and a shower house.

BTW Georgia is horrible, state troopers out the ass. We got pulled over once south of Atlanta for trailing a commercial van too close (no ticket). Then i blew a tire north of Atlanta, luckily another trooper spotted it gave us road cover. Thankfully i took a floor jack and my dewalt impact.
View attachment 172286

JoeBob Cefus approved! We guarun dang tee it's a good time.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Anyone see any cottonmouths or gators yet?

It's warmed up the past couple days so the reptiles are out. The group spotted a couple of cottonmouths in the swamp today and one of Chances buddies from Ohio gave a rattler a 9mm to the face. Chance and I walked up on a slough with a gator in it mid day. Most of the water isn't deep enough to hold a gator and the ones that are you go around.


*Supporting Member*
It's warmed up the past couple days so the reptiles are out. The group spotted a couple of cottonmouths in the swamp today and one of Chances buddies from Ohio gave a rattler a 9mm to the face. Chance and I walked up on a slough with a gator in it mid day. Most of the water isn't deep enough to hold a gator and the ones that are you go around.

And you were telling us to grab one of the small ones??


Dignitary Member
Staff member
And you were telling us to grab one of the small ones??

Yeah why not, from what Josh said they were only about a foot and a half long. To be fair I asked if they were near a deep hole and he said they ran off in one. I told him it was a smart move to leave them alone then as she was probably laying on the bottom. 😅.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Hanging back this morning to break camp. @triple_duece I have your motor.

All told when I add up my tracks I put 32 miles on the boots in 3.5 days. Shot 4-5 pigs, dropped 2. If you don't anchor them they're just about impossible to find in the marsh and swamps. Sucks but at the end of the day we're hunting a national wildlife refuge with a season made for the sole purpose of killing pigs, they could give a shit what happens after that. Nothing better illustrates their reason for creating the special season more than them naming it "Kill em all"


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Joe when you gonna be home. I’m off today, the wife is having a tooth pulled so I’m good to go after lunch.

Ah I won't be home until later tonight and I have to do the family thing tonight. We'll get it to you. Maybe meet in the middle somewhere this weekend or next week and have lunch.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
OH AND BTW @Jackalope huge thank you for all that you did. The dishes and little clean up before you left was greatly appreciated! I enjoyed meeting you and spending some time with you in the woods and on the dry ground! Next year come back bigger and better! Congrats on the pigs again brother!

Think nothing if it bud. Everyone has to do their part in camp.
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