11/1/2012, M, 3h, W, 36F, Shelf Stand
Got skunked this morning, seems to be more of an evening stand. Did walk by five fresh scrapes on my way out this morning.
11/1/2012, E, 2.5h, SW, 49F, Shelf Stand
Man, what a great hunt!
Got in there late this evening because a neighbor pulled in the drive as I was walking out the door. Ended up talking to him for almost an hour before I finally got outta there. Got on stand around 4:30, and around 5 decided to rattle. I started tickling the antlers together and hear something crashing down the hill beside me. Looked over to see young forkhorn coming in to check out what all the noise was about. He milled around below me for almost 15 minutes downwind, but I believe the smoker and the Evercalm saved my tail. He ended up working his way down the field edge making a few scrapes and disappearing into the timbered stuff. Around 5:30, I heard a doe bust out across the field. I kept looking for a buck behind her, and a few minutes later, the same forkhorn pops out in the same spot she came flying out of. He worked across the field, hitting all the scrapes he made half an hour ago, then disappeared over the hill.
Around six, I heard more deer busting out of the timbered stuff behind me, and I turned around to watch a big doe and her fawn come flying out into the field. The doe kept looking behind her, and I half expected to see a young buck come out of the thick stuff. I waited and waited, and then I saw this big white rack appear out of the brush. He came out and took off on a dead sprint at the doe and ran her in a circle around the field grunting. She returned to her fawn and he went along the field edge just tearing it up, slinging dirt and making several scrapes. After he finished establising his territory, he came back for more. The doe was right at the edge of the wood line at 45y, all I needed her to do was to lead him into the wood line and he would be within range. I watched the buck, which appeared to be at least an eight, and most likely a ten, pushing 140"m work his way back across the field and chased the doe around again. This time she had enough and went up around the corner and out of sight. I tried grunting at him, and even bleated once, but he was fixated on her, and slowly wandered off in her direction. I still had plenty of light left, so I was hoping she would bring him back my way, but that wouldn't be the case.
Shortly after they disappeared, I heard another deer coming down the field edge, and looked to see the same eight point I saw the night before. Another doe popped out down the wood line and he took off after her. She didn't want anything to do with him, and took off, running right under my stand and stopping just 10 yards away. The buck dropped in the woodline, and disappeared out of sight. The doe milled around under me until well after shooting light. After she fed down over the hill, I slipped out and of the tree and made my way back to the house.
I wanted to pull this set, as it was my mobile set, and make a move on this deer tonight, but with all the action, I decided to leave it. Gonna hunt it in the morning, and if I don't see something to change my mind, I'm gonna set up on the field edge. This area is loaded with does, and I knew it was gonna be good. After watching this buck tonight, I feel a confidence that I haven't felt for a long time. I dunno, maybe it was just gas pains or my empty stomach gurgling, but I just have a good feeling about the next four days! Who knows, I may even take the camera with me in the morning.
Thanks for all the encouragement fellas, you're keeping me in the game.