First warm morning I’ve had here. Tom was gobbling his head off pretty close behind the house. I set up and called twice but it sounded like they were moving off so I did what I’m good at and snuck into 30 yards. Problem is... the same brush I used to sneak made it impossible to shoot. And then of course he circled past and walked within feet of where I’d been set up.
Went back to where I’d found two small sheds right next to each other and found three more within 50 yards.
Found these two within 30 yards of where I messed up on some huge deer back in September (if you remember the story where I threw a stick instead of a rock).
I got all caught up on homework and fixing fences so I’m planning on putting the full day to finding fresh elk sheds in the neighboring park. Turkeys can screw off until tomorrow.
Went back to where I’d found two small sheds right next to each other and found three more within 50 yards.

Found these two within 30 yards of where I messed up on some huge deer back in September (if you remember the story where I threw a stick instead of a rock).

I got all caught up on homework and fixing fences so I’m planning on putting the full day to finding fresh elk sheds in the neighboring park. Turkeys can screw off until tomorrow.