Weekend two of the season was much better. A buddy sent me to another wilderness area he’d heard of people having some success in. I skipped the morning hunt on Saturday because I didn’t want to repeat the weekend before and drove two hours out there.
There was another car when I got to the trail head but I put my camo in and hiked in with my bow. About 1.5 miles and 1000’ vertical up there was a small meadow towards the top of a huge ridge. I decided to just still hunt up and rattle whenever I found a nice looking spot.
I got about half way up and found a nice rub on the trail. I decided to just rattle on the trail for kicks, apparently a guy killed a stud on the same trail two years before by rattling.
I did by best impression of an aggressive blacktail fight and sat down.
A few minutes later, I saw movement coming down the trail and started to draw. I let down when I saw a broadhead poke around the corner. An older fella with a huge pot belly came hustling towards me with an arrow nocked.
I stood up (scaring the crap out of him) and said hi. The guy was completely out of breath and asked if I had just rattled. Not sure how he was planning on shooting

. He said the only poop he’d found had been up around the meadow. With an two hours of light left he was hiking back to his truck. I took that to mean I should continue on up towards the meadow and set up there.
I went faster until I got a couple hundred yards from the meadow then I veered off trail and started sneaking through the woods. I got 100 yards from the edge of the meadow and saw a deer staring at me from the far side, 200-250 yards away. At this point there was an hour of light left and 100 yards of brush between me and the meadow. I snuck as quietly as possible for the next 30 minutes and got all the way to the edge of the meadow. The deer (either a small buck or a doe, I’m happy with either) was still well out of effective range but had heard just enough rustling to be curious. It continued to feed and look in my direction and slowly worked closer. By the time it reached 80 yards, it was too dark to shoot past 50. By the time it got to 40, it was too dark to shoot past 20. At that point, four other deer walked into the meadow and walked uphill at 40-50 yards. I waited for them to work off then headed back to the truck.
I met up with my buddy at his place an hour away with plans to head back up together in the morning.