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Senior Member
Athens County
Good thread guys.

Im not educated enough on the matter to really have an argumentative opinion.

Obviously there is a shit ton of money involved and thats the thing that makes me nervous.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
If they don't like a little diesel fuel added to the fracking fluids they surely won't like LPG.

How so? From the little I have read it seems to be a good alternative. The LPG is reclaimed at the wellhead as a gas with the NG. Looks like a step in the right direction to me just from the surface. It still doesn't negate the seismic issues like in Ashtabula, but those have only caused issues around fault lines. And doesn't deal with increased methane in drinking water, but neither of those have to do with the frack fluid itself.


Figure out how to frack wells with solutions that even if they contaminate groundwater can be broken down naturally or pose no harm in consumption.

I would strongly suggest a little research into the chemicals used in fracking. They are common everyday compounds, not exotic. Most of these chemicals are used every day at every water treatment plant in this country for making safe drinking water. Acids, bases, biocides, inhibitors, and binders.

There are some others used for friction reduction that are not used in treating water for drinking but are common in the intake water of every water treatment plant, Ethylene glycol, isopropanol. I'm sure you recognize these are anti freeze. There is also some petroleum traces amounts, again common to most any water intake in the country today.

Fracking wells has been going on since 1940's. It is a highly regulated industry. We have all of the resources for energy independence many times over for many many decades right here in the US, We don't need the middle east, we just need to continue developing what we have. The good part is that it looks like we will even through the objections of the uninformed and Obama.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I would strongly suggest a little research into the chemicals used in fracking. They are common everyday compounds, not exotic. Most of these chemicals are used every day at every water treatment plant in this country for making safe drinking water. Acids, bases, biocides, inhibitors, and binders.

There are some others used for friction reduction that are not used in treating water for drinking but are common in the intake water of every water treatment plant, Ethylene glycol, isopropanol. I'm sure you recognize these are anti freeze. There is also some petroleum traces amounts, again common to most any water intake in the country today.

Fracking wells has been going on since 1940's. It is a highly regulated industry. We have all of the resources for energy independence many times over for many many decades right here in the US, We don't need the middle east, we just need to continue developing what we have. The good part is that it looks like we will even through the objections of the uninformed and Obama.

So your saying that since water treatment intake is polluted then it's ok to pollute ground water? There is a gigantic difference in "trace" amounts of petrochemicals and enough diesel to make a quarter of lake Erie undrinkable. I would accept this logic if you were willing to install a water treatment plant at the head of every rural well.. Even then I would prefer not to pollute it in the first place.

And I agree with this statement.. Slightly edited...

"We have all of the resources for energy independence many times over for many many decades right here in the US, We don't need the middle east, we just need to continue developing what we have responsibly with sound science and an eye toward the future. Careful that we don't do something now that we later find out in hindsight to be an irreversible contamination.
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Staff member
Drill baby, drill!!!

Shallow production up front that involves water injection at 3K feet. Newest Marcellus pad in the middle and a finished in the rear. Make that money!



"We have all of the resources for energy independence many times over for many many decades right here in the US, We don't need the middle east, we just need to continue developing what we have responsibly with sound science and an eye toward the future. Careful that we don't do something now that we later find out in hindsight to be an irreversible contamination.

I am in water treatment plants all over the country every week. I am actively involved in the piping and valves of these new treatment facilities for used fracking water.

I can 100% assure to you that these industries are very highly regulated and watched extremely closely. We just spent $120K over a 4 month period to have a new piping certified as compliant to NSF61G drinking water standards. This piping resin, and all of the raw materials are and were already NSG61G certified but because we put them into a new form it had to have it's own certification. One might think that is very silly and costly considering every component used in the finished product already had prior certification. This is an example of the regulations and requirements that must be met to participate in these areas. The requirements for fracking and handling and disposal of the materials are even more stringent. This is not billybob just pumping shit down a hole and dumping in the creek when he is done. this is a highly sophisticated and very well regulated industry. There is less chemical release at a fracking site than at your local gas station.
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Tatonka guide.
For filtration finishing. Im asuming they are using chemical precip and clarification basins for some reactants..