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Full bore and Finelyshedded shed thread of 2013


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Remember when we talked before, I told you leasing was like a cancer and it would mean the end of hunting as we know it. Our children and grandchildren will never see the hunting freedom we have enjoyed, it's a matter of time.
Yeah, unfortunately I agree with you. I guess what pisses me off, is this particular piece of land is just AG. Land. The certain individual wanting to lease it, will advertise it as prime deer habitat and some Out-Of-State hunter will pay him twice the amount that he leased it for! Hunting is just too commercialized anymore. IMO.


Junior Member
Darby Creek
Hey Ronnie, found my first sheds today! A matched set from the 9 pointer I have on video. I walked a whole 3 minutes before finding the first shed and found it's mate just 30 yards from it. Good news is they're from the buck I shot and we could not find him but now I know he made it! Bad news is I thought he'd go 150 but the sheds only score just under 140 and the symetrics is not good. Do you think the symetrics can improve or will they stay pretty much the same? Either way, I am glad to know the buck is still walking Darby Creek!

WTF is with photobucket!!!!!!! I give up trying to upload the freakin pics!

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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Congrats Jimmy! You gotta love finding one or two off the get go. It really pumps you up. They look so different but some sets do. The one on the right in the pic looks to be off a buck that is typical of always being an 8 pt. no matter how old they get and the one to the left is typical of a buck that normally becomes a main framed 10 no matter the age. Deer antlers are very interesting things.

Good luck on your future shed hunts Jimmy.


Junior Member
Darby Creek
I agree, they sure do look different. If I didn't have him on video I would probably think they were from 2 different bucks. I'll try to get the video on if you don't mind me jacking your thread?


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Heck yeah Jimmy. Ron and I don't care about that stuff. We'd be glad to see it no matter where you post it. Can't wait to see it.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
That's great Jimmy! Awesome news too know that the deer you had the encounter with, is still alive. Those TOOFERS are great also, finding Two off the same deer? Lol.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Walked a couple miles today and saw 5 bucks and 2 does. 4 of the bucks still had both sides and 1 small one lost one side. 2 of the bucks were with a single doe kinda like they were tending them? Both bucks were young with one being the half rack. In the far side of the same field I saw 3 other bucks together that had both sides with the biggest of the bunch looking to be around 120" 8 or 10 point. I walked the perimeter anyway and won't go back to that field for another 2-3 weeks. Fuggars down here hold on to them much later for some reason.


Junior Member
Darby Creek
Ric it's funny you mentioned bucks acting like they were tending does because I've seen several what looked like active scrapes while rabbit hunting a couple of weeks ago and then another one yesterday while I was shed hunting. I thought that was really odd and I don't remember ever seeing that happen this time of year. It's no wonder that they're still carrying head gear. :smiley_confused_vra


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Yeah, it was weird today. I look out into this cornfield and see this small half rack standing by this lone doe. When I proceeded to walk she took off to the left side of the field and into the tree line with him on her ass. Then I notice 250 yards further to the right back corner 3 other bucks which all were bigger feeding in a group totally uninterested with those two deer I ran off. After walking out towards them and bumping them into the brush to the far right corner I followed the perimeter of the field to the back another 200 yards and see another small buck standing next to another doe. She busted and ran straight away from me with him on her ass. WTH is going on? It's no wonder I'm not finding many horns in my area.LMAO

I haven't seen any fresh scrapes but several fresh rubs.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Been finding some fresh rubs. Always make sure to check underneath them for antlers.

Funny you mentioned that. I was thinking about that today after finding a few close together within 20 yards from this field up in an awesome bedding area on a south slope with tons of honeysuckle and dead grassy area around a bunch of cedars. I thought to myself, I've never found a shed at the base of any rubs my entire life. Kinda struck me as being odd. Lol