Well just as a reminder. I finally got this gun in. Mounted a Vortex 6-24x50 scope with target turrets and adjustable objective using Grim Reaper Dednutz one piece mounts. Here is a pic of the finished product:
Today I was able to get out in the wind/rain/sleet/snow and get it dialed in 90%...hell I just wanted to shoot the dang thing! Anyhow I forgot my bore sighter so I just looked down the bore and got the scope "close". I was pretty good left/right but had to walk my shots up. This is at 80 yards because I needed a little shelter from the rain so I got under the porch... The last little group made me happy considering the conditions.
I decided to throw a target up at what I thought was 250 yards...lazed at 232 and took some shots. I am happy and now know the gun can do its part if I do. The middle I pulled it
Can't wait to really stretch her legs!