Not my cup of tea, but if no laws were broken and he played by the rules, he can reap the rewards…..I'm not saying it's my cup of tea, but that guy puts in work, which I respect. He plays by the rules (that I know of) and makes moves on abnormally large whitetails, consistently.
There’s actually a couple episodes on their channel on YouTube that they bring all the deer meat to more”ghetto” ministries and food pantries. They are a very god first group of boys and the way they depict themselves on social media, whilst if true, are very good and ethical people.Would they go to all that trouble to shoot does in the ghetto to feed other people? I seriously doubt it.
I believe they do. Maybe that is part of the secret to gaining permission. They actually try and take care of the problem in these areas of high deer density. They don't just take the bone and move on.Would they go to all that trouble to shoot does in the ghetto to feed other people? I seriously doubt it.
Yes, me too, but what do you suppose the revenue stream is from killing that deer and prostituting it? In reality they have chosen to make killing deer a job.On different podcasts they seen to bring up how stressful it is alot of times hunting urban deer. Fuck that shit I hunt to get away from everyday problems and just enjoy the outdoors.
If it ever becomes work, I’m hanging it up….Yes, me too, but what do you suppose the revenue stream is from killing that deer and prostituting it? In reality they have chosen to make killing deer a job.
Squirrels snitched on him in the first place.The squirrels won't miss his fat ass eating their bird feed!.