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ghetto buck


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I really enjoy the videos they do when they shoot does. They make it a contest and really feed alot of people. I would do what they do in those videos in a heartbeat. That is just good fun.

Truth is, big deer create turbulence. It doesn't matter how he did it, it'll create a disturbance. Every big deer does. I don't ever care to kill a big deer because of this.

Congrats to him for sticking with it in conditions I would not.


Active Member
Salesville ohio
Would they go to all that trouble to shoot does in the ghetto to feed other people? I seriously doubt it.
There’s actually a couple episodes on their channel on YouTube that they bring all the deer meat to more”ghetto” ministries and food pantries. They are a very god first group of boys and the way they depict themselves on social media, whilst if true, are very good and ethical people.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Would they go to all that trouble to shoot does in the ghetto to feed other people? I seriously doubt it.
I believe they do. Maybe that is part of the secret to gaining permission. They actually try and take care of the problem in these areas of high deer density. They don't just take the bone and move on.


Staff member
They just dropped the podcast on this buck. Pretty sure I nailed down where he shot the buck and it's hard to wrap your head around going to those lengths to hunt deer next to homeless drift addicts.
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On different podcasts they seen to bring up how stressful it is alot of times hunting urban deer. Fuck that shit I hunt to get away from everyday problems and just enjoy the outdoors.
Yes, me too, but what do you suppose the revenue stream is from killing that deer and prostituting it? In reality they have chosen to make killing deer a job.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Watched the podcast story on this. His reactions at the end of the video say it all. This deer changed that man. Some things can't be unseen or the smell of a body will flashback for the rest of his life. He even said that it wasn't worth it. I believe he found his limit as to how far he is willing to go for a big buck. Something to be said about that.