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Got A Visit From The Police


*Supporting Member*
I can't possibly tell you everything I have put up with from one of my neighbors since I bought this place. To make a very long story short, he had been trespassing for years before I entered the picture.

Since then I have had run in after run in with the old bastard. I'll get to my stand and my pull rope will be gone or cut. I have found garbage in my blind. My buddy has had small shed antlers placed in his seat 20' off the ground. Just lots of different shit to let us know he is out there when we aren't. We have trail cam pics of the guy in full camo in the dark before season was in. I contacted the police and my buddy contacted the game warden. We were told the same thing by both of them that they couldn't do anything unless we called while he was out there. So I guess we are supposed to catch him and tie him to a tree and then call. At one point this guy actually went to different neighbors around me and told them I was poaching deer. The irony of that is he told me about a place in Braceville that lets him put his own tag on and he never fully clicks the tag so he has it to use later on another. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, a guy basically admitting to me he was a poacher. I never acted on that comment as I never seen anything personally.

Fast forward to today.

Shawn asked me to help him move a stand for tonight's hunt which I was happy to do. On our way out we were passing my ground blind that I posted pics of. I haven't hunted that or walked up to it since the day I made that post. I had plans of leaving it alone till gun season for my son. As we were walking by the blind it didn't look right to me. I told Shawn I was going to take a look at it. I get over there and see the whole thing is shifted about two feet from it's original spot. I had this thing basically hurricane proof when I left it, with a support pole in the middle in case rain tried to puddle up and maybe break the roof poles. The support pole was knocked over, my seat was folded back up, and one of the guy lines was cut off the outside and laying inside. All the other guy lines were untied from their spots and the two foot rebar stakes were inside the blind. WTF?

I went home with my blood pressure pumping hard. I decided that knocking on his door was nothing but trouble, as much as i wanted to. Instead I called and left a message stating I was tired of all the bullshit and it needs to stop now. Within minutes his wife is knocking at our door. I was downstairs and could hear the dog barking and my wife talking to someone. I go upstairs and as soon as this woman sees me she tries to push past my wife into our house. My wife told her to back off that she was not welcome inside. The woman is ranting and raving as she has in the past that her husband has done nothing wrong. I told her to back the fuck up and step out of my house and informed her she was trespassing. She gives me this bullshit story that her husband hasn't been in the woods in two years as he has memory loss problems. The whole time she is screaming at me and I'm doing my best not to knock the hell out of her. I commenced to tell my side in a very loud voice and tell her to get the fuck off my property.

By this point hunting is the last thing I feel like doing, but I talked myself into getting changed and heading out. I was hoping it would get the situation off my mind. I got in my stand a little late because of the whole deal and decided to make my "good luck" post thinking I needed to think positive. I ended up not seeing anything even though it was a great night out there.

When I got home I find out the Champion Police paid a visit while I was out. Here the old bag called the cops on me. How the hell does she think she has a right to call on me? I'm the one being violated here. I guess she told them they feared for their safety or something along those lines. My wife explained the whole deal to the officer and he says he understands, but I need to call them next time there is a situation. I already did that you fucktards! I sit here typing this in complete amazement that they called the cops on me. I'm ready to explode about this whole thing.

I think my morning hunt is canceled and I will be out there with as many No Trespassing signs that I can carry. I'm still trying to keep a level head about this, but a part of me wants to throw all common sense to the wind and show them how I really feel!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I would call that cop and ask him to stop back out so i could tell him to his face.

"Sure buddy.. I'll call ya next time.. The "next time" that woman forces entry into my home and i put a hole between her eyes.. That'll be your "next time"... You want that? No? Then how about this "This time" you go next door and do your fucking job.. If not.. "Next time" you better bring a camera and a mop for the woman laying in my foyer.


*Supporting Member*
I've decided to stop down at the station tomorrow and try to talk to the same cop. I'm still very pissed about the whole deal. This is such bullshit, but I don't want it to escalate to a level that gets somebody hurt. I've grown up a lot over the years. Old school me would be sitting in the county right now. I guess there are some good things about aging.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Set a snare in the doorway of one of you blinds :D. Make it so it can't be released and has to be cut off lol. Then when a missing persons report comes out you can tell the cops where to find his sorry ass lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Dam. I'm just at a loss for words.
Its a sad day when the property owner has to check himself reguarding some sob pulling that chit...both in your woods and in your fuc*en home...


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
You need to call the cops every time something is messed with. You should have called when she came to your house. Sooner or latter you are going to catch him in the act. The days when you could "handle" these things alone are unfortunately gone.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
You need to call the cops every time something is messed with. You should have called when she came to your house. Sooner or latter you are going to catch him in the act. The days when you could "handle" these things alone are unfortunately gone.

Times adapt and so do tactics. Know the law. There are plenty of ways to "handle" things. If they don't respect you and yours, they should fear you. Nothing against the law about walking a goat out in the front yard, straddling it, and slitting it's throat while you stare at them like John Gacey with a grin


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
When you go to the station ask to speak to the watch commander. I'd file a complain every time you have an issue. You might even be able to file an restraining order too. You could always sue them too.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Times adapt and so do tactics. Know the law. There are plenty of ways to "handle" things. If they don't respect you and yours, they should fear you. Nothing against the law about walking a goat out in the front yard, straddling it, and slitting it's throat while you stare at them like John Gacey with a grin

PS.. Wearing short cutoff jeans and a tight wolf shirt would be a good attire for the event.


Senior Member
When you go to the station ask to speak to the watch commander.

There is nothing I love more than seeing the "oh shit" look one someone's face when you say "Can I speak with your boss please?" I only use it when I know I'm right - and when I am right, I am right. I've done this countless times with salespeople, here at the college, etc etc. Sometimes you have to seem like an asshole.... (or be an asshole)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
There is nothing I love more than seeing the "oh shit" look one someone's face when you say "Can I speak with your boss please?" I only use it when I know I'm right - and when I am right, I am right. I've done this countless times with salespeople, here at the college, etc etc. Sometimes you have to seem like an asshole.... (or be an asshole)

Or slit a goats throat while wearing a wolf shirt and short cutoffs. :smiley_crocodile:


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
There is nothing I love more than seeing the "oh shit" look one someone's face when you say "Can I speak with your boss please?" I only use it when I know I'm right - and when I am right, I am right. I've done this countless times with salespeople, here at the college, etc etc. Sometimes you have to seem like an asshole.... (or be an asshole)

Yelp and another priceless look to see would be when they were issued a subpoena to appear in court.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Maybe it is having a business, wife, kids,assets, etc. Maybe I have grown up. Maybe I am just a wussy. I like the legal route. Don't get me wrong, someone breaks into my house, and they are leaving in a body bag. Something like this one though, I think I am taking the legal route. Too much time to think/plan in between their shenanigans. There is a new law out regarding interfering with someone's hunts, harassment, etc. I will try to look it up. Basically if they are messing with your setup and possibly setting you up to be injured or simply harassing you, then it is a punishable offense. This truly falls into the description of harassment. Now the wife trying to force her way in on the other hand. . . different story.


*Supporting Member*
My bride and I are going goat shopping this afternoon. I'm going with the double wolf shirt, cause the only thing more badass than a wolf, is two wolves!:smiley_crazy:


Here's the deal, I have slept over this one and talked it over with my wife. She does not feel threatened by the situation, and felt the guy was on our side. The officer did say he would be more than happy to turn over any trail cam pics to the prosecutors office or I could file charges if I wanted to. He assured us that they are the ones who felt threatened and as far as they are concerned the situation is over. He said the first officer should have dealt with the issue differently.

As Phil stated, I have grown up a lot and I'm going to drop the issue with hope that this ends the bullshit.

I'm not about to get a domestic charge against me over these people.

If there are any more instances, I will be reporting every one of them.

Thanks for the advice and support guys!


The Crew

It is quite possible your trespasser has already taken the message. The mouthy wife was pretty much a testement to that effect. The no nad SOB is thinking about the situation or he would have never let his better half stick her nose in where it didn't belong.


*Hims a Super Moderator*
File a criminal tresspass warrant agains them - do not phone them or threaten them or cuss them in any matter - have your lawyer send them a letter and have the sheriff file a treepass warrant -



*Supporting Member*

It is quite possible your trespasser has already taken the message. The mouthy wife was pretty much a testement to that effect. The no nad SOB is thinking about the situation or he would have never let his better half stick her nose in where it didn't belong.

That was part of my wife and I's conversation that he didn't even have the balls to come over himself.

File a criminal tresspass warrant agains them - do not phone them or threaten them or cuss them in any matter - have your lawyer send them a letter and have the sheriff file a treepass warrant -


Thanks Geezer. Right now we are considering the matter done. If there are more instances in the future, I'm not hesitating on taking legal action.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
We'll this just sucks. It makes one think twice about wanting to own property. My parents own a 50 acre apple farm in Michigan and if they ever give it to me I'm putting up high fences.