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Great Day At AEP!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
If you dont mind me asking where did you buy your wilderness systems kayak.

I bought my Kayak from Marietta Adventure Company out of Marietta, Ohio. Their prices are better than any I have found on the internet, plus when I bought mine, he offered me a percentage off on accessories as well. They do occasionally sell used kayaks as well. I picked up the Perception for the wife from him as well. Look them up on Facebook and shoot them a message!

I have not been down to AEP for years, but if someone wants to put together a TOO fishing outing I have 2 canoes and would very interested.


Greg, I'm always looking for someone to hit AEP with me. I always hit it up pretty hard in the spring, but I also wouldn't mind giving it a try in the fall as well. Maybe we could put together something in September.

Has the purple Tribe seen the last of it's usefulness or does it come with a pull behind kiddie seat?

Haha, no kiddie seat, but it does allow me an extra vessel for anyone looking to get out and do some kayak fishing. Seems like most of my buddies are to manly to use a purple kayak though. :smiley_crocodile:

I was able to sneak up to AEP Thursday, my last day off before heading back to work, thanks to my lovely wife. Got to try out my new aluminum kayak cart I built a few weeks ago, and I'm pretty happy with it. Had a pretty good day, despite leaving my paddle at the house! Fished one long pond, paddling roughly two miles using an 8' tree limb as a paddle/push pole. Ended up catching over 50 bass, a couple between 1.5-2lbs, but most between 12 and 16 inches. Did catch one good bass on a Spro Frog, weighing in at 4lbs even. Don't mind the pasty legs, still working on my tan!



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Nice fish Greg you did way better then we did today but we were battling wind and serious cloud cover... 50 bass with a 4lb kicker is a fun day for sure....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice fish Greg you did way better then we did today but we were battling wind and serious cloud cover... 50 bass with a 4lb kicker is a fun day for sure....

No doubt there! Glad you had a good day.
Early September would work for me. I have one Kevlar canoe that is no problem to carry in to some of the remote ponds.
Gives us some time to plan, I have not been down there since the 80's
Can you still drive on the haul roads? Do you have to camp in designated areas only