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Gun Season 2020

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
I am shocked at how little of the corn in my feeders is being eaten. I talked to 2 neighbors and they said the same thing, they had never seen the deer stay off the corn this long. I was wondering what other guys were seeing this year? I mean was the acorn crop that large this year and would they still be eating on them?
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am shocked at how little of the corn in my feeders is being eaten. I talked to 2 neighbors and they said the same thing, they had never seen the deer stay off the corn this long. I was wondering what other guys were seeing this year? I mean was the acorn crop that large this year and would they still be eating on them?
The memo is out Clay...the deer just fucking hate you. No reason stated...what did you do? 😝😝


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
I am seeing the same thing up here in regards to corn and think I may have just figured out why. My father in law was over yesterday and I was asking him how hauling was going and where they were selling. Well he proceeds to tell me they are being bumped around to different elevators due fungus. Not a fungus that can be cleaned off,, but one that gets into the corn while standing. They think it kicked in after the last hard rains in November. Its been about 10yrs since the last bed spell and elevators have been seeing higher and higher %'s coming in over the last few weeks and are testing every semi load. Now everyone on the area is being tested at all locations and cutoff limits are in place. Elevators are blending/diluting to make good product on their end. Sunrise was the last one to catch on and they dropped the hammer last week.

You ever see a pig NOT eat something? Well, they naturally know if the % of this fungus is to high and they won't eat it. For the life of me I can not think of the name of the fungus this AM.....@OhioSam.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I have a buddy that is trying to get the kids on some deer. I've been running cams and corn with him for about 6 weeks now. Last week we made other piles around the main pile in one spot.