Gotcha. With a hole like that I see how it would be easier to find the bullet. As I read it I was envisioning a pop and no kick followed by a fizzled dud coming out the end.
I would say moisture also. With the temp going up and down I'm sure some moisture collected. Thankfully I haven't had the problem since I changed to my Encore
Headed out to sit on the opposite end of the woods tonight, at least I can look at some different squirrels
Yup, Once my ML gets loaded it stays in outside temps to keep the barrel from sweating. With the weather this week, I would've fired it every night.
In the pic of that buck, you can see that he's looking up at a good angle.
Great job Sam. I was skunked on deer tonight but.... Carl 2 coyotes 0 for the year deer hunting lol
We have had 2 days of rain and then a 20 degree temp drop in the morning. I blew it on a nice buck this morning I hope he shows back up tomorrow
Blackhorn 209 doesn't absorb moisture in the way pyrodex or especially triple 7 does.We are about 65 feet higher than where the deer was standing so it is a pretty sharp angle down at 75 yards.
We are shooting 100 grains of blackhorn 209 so load shouldn't have been light. Barrel was taped over.
The bullet is a 250 grain Thompson/Center Superglide Shock Wave Sabot Bullets - Bonded.
We have killed several deer with this set up and never an issue.
The gun was loaded Monday morning and had not been inside since then, the only thing I can guess is some condensation got in there and weakened the load. It hit in mud and made a opening about 10 inches long into the ground. We saw the hole and then bullet in the hole.
I was shocked at the bullet condition as well.
I think it is a case of moisture.