Clay Showalter
Southern member northern landowner
I was thinking on the same lines as Hedgelj.... One of the advantages of BH209 is its not absorbing moisture as quickly as other powders. If the gun has a breech plug, is it one designed especially for BH209?? Also BH209 needs a hot 209 primer such as CCSI Magnums. Another thing is, instead of taping end of barrel on wet days, cut the finger off a surgical glove and slide it over the end of barrel. It will blow right off when you shoot. I even put one on if it just stopped raining or snowing, as the bushes are wet and it doesn't take but a drop or two to run down the barrel.
I use CCI 209 magnums, I like the glove idea, I am going to that. Come to find out that some how the cva blackhorn 209 breach plug was switched for the factory one. I must have mixed them up, I have used the factory before I got the 209 plug with no issues.