It all started back in nineteen hundred and ninety something,maybe a little sooner maybe a little latter.
I was a self taught kid on hunting them there Turkeys. Daddy never did neither did his friends.
Ya see them there lands at that time and maybe a small bit before late 88/89 them ther Turkeys weren’t around to be hunted. Like the days of today.
The turkeys went from none to a ton in the area we were. Like a decade had passed in shorter than a nights span.
Dad had no more experience than Gary Colman at a brothel. Stayed all night never got laid!
He also never had any ambition to even hunt them. They were just Turkeys.Stupidest thing to happen since politicians had a voice.
Any hoots after a year or two of seeing and watching this majestically bird appear on once desolate grounds.
I became infatuated with them.
I was going to do it all by myself. Dad didn’t give two fuggs It wasn’t a sport or it just didn’t tickle his testicals at that point. The sport was unborn in me neck of the woods..(Way before google or cell phones)
Anyhow the Lil sperm sack that I was , I told Daddy I want to hunt Turkeys. Looking back knowing my dad but him being my hero everything he said was gold.
It took many years after to know that was bullshit but the first morning I ever hunted Turkeys I sorta knew but wasn’t confident in my analysis..
Dad took me out to my spot at 430 AM in the morning and left my ass there. As he laughed and rhode off, I was stoked.
After of hours of sitting in the dark. Nodding off waiting wondering when the sun would shine. It Finally happened. Gobble GobbleGobble .
I literally went from zero to hero,I was having a leg shaking heart bursting orgasim With out even knowing what the fugg was going on.
Every time I hit that ol Quaker boy box call I had practiced on for so long. All the sudden it sounded something like a bad date with a woodpecker and a Canadian goose.
Believe you me. The gobbling stopped immediately. Chimpmunks shut up the song birds of spring started their migration back to where they had come from.
I was setting there destroyed on how I thought it would be. I’d seen it all play out to many times in my head.
This went on for days on end. 430 am set down fall asleep wake up to gobble gobble gobble. Strike my call .....It wasn’t a Yelp I was producing it was a straight everything with a heart beat shut the fugg up.
Well one morning it finally happened had a jake come in to my call. Along with what I still swear to this day 142 wood peckers . Them sums a bitches where every where.
Anyhow I shot it. Oh boy did I shoot it. Not once not twice, I shot that sun bitch every time it flopped.
So much so I ran out of shells and Dad came back to see if the Russians actually were invading us.
I got scolded for it to say the least. Dad was like boy how the fugg we going to check this thing in. There’s no head no feet. Looked like a hairball. .
It wasn’t like today. I was a young man/kid. More kid than anything excited to say the least. I know some may frown but
I was hooked.... Ever since I’ve been hooked.
The whole reason I shared this story..
I’ve done it all shell wise. . Good ole number 6 ya don’t need nothing more. From where and when I started to where it is now. Absolutely fuggin crazy.
Y’all all can spend crazy money on shells . It’s the one up effect. I’ll tell ya tho number 6shot will do it all everyday any day.
Anything else is just hype. If you have a shotgun and it’s under 40 it’s done if the gun is good.
Yeah you may get the extra ten yards/50 if you buy the super duper shells.. (way over priced)
But boys if it’s not under 30 fugg your gun! Your not doing it right!
Live long, laugh long.Life’s good!
I was a self taught kid on hunting them there Turkeys. Daddy never did neither did his friends.
Ya see them there lands at that time and maybe a small bit before late 88/89 them ther Turkeys weren’t around to be hunted. Like the days of today.
The turkeys went from none to a ton in the area we were. Like a decade had passed in shorter than a nights span.
Dad had no more experience than Gary Colman at a brothel. Stayed all night never got laid!
He also never had any ambition to even hunt them. They were just Turkeys.Stupidest thing to happen since politicians had a voice.
Any hoots after a year or two of seeing and watching this majestically bird appear on once desolate grounds.
I became infatuated with them.
I was going to do it all by myself. Dad didn’t give two fuggs It wasn’t a sport or it just didn’t tickle his testicals at that point. The sport was unborn in me neck of the woods..(Way before google or cell phones)
Anyhow the Lil sperm sack that I was , I told Daddy I want to hunt Turkeys. Looking back knowing my dad but him being my hero everything he said was gold.
It took many years after to know that was bullshit but the first morning I ever hunted Turkeys I sorta knew but wasn’t confident in my analysis..
Dad took me out to my spot at 430 AM in the morning and left my ass there. As he laughed and rhode off, I was stoked.
After of hours of sitting in the dark. Nodding off waiting wondering when the sun would shine. It Finally happened. Gobble GobbleGobble .
I literally went from zero to hero,I was having a leg shaking heart bursting orgasim With out even knowing what the fugg was going on.
Every time I hit that ol Quaker boy box call I had practiced on for so long. All the sudden it sounded something like a bad date with a woodpecker and a Canadian goose.
Believe you me. The gobbling stopped immediately. Chimpmunks shut up the song birds of spring started their migration back to where they had come from.
I was setting there destroyed on how I thought it would be. I’d seen it all play out to many times in my head.
This went on for days on end. 430 am set down fall asleep wake up to gobble gobble gobble. Strike my call .....It wasn’t a Yelp I was producing it was a straight everything with a heart beat shut the fugg up.

Well one morning it finally happened had a jake come in to my call. Along with what I still swear to this day 142 wood peckers . Them sums a bitches where every where.
Anyhow I shot it. Oh boy did I shoot it. Not once not twice, I shot that sun bitch every time it flopped.
So much so I ran out of shells and Dad came back to see if the Russians actually were invading us.
I got scolded for it to say the least. Dad was like boy how the fugg we going to check this thing in. There’s no head no feet. Looked like a hairball. .
It wasn’t like today. I was a young man/kid. More kid than anything excited to say the least. I know some may frown but

I was hooked.... Ever since I’ve been hooked.
The whole reason I shared this story..
I’ve done it all shell wise. . Good ole number 6 ya don’t need nothing more. From where and when I started to where it is now. Absolutely fuggin crazy.
Y’all all can spend crazy money on shells . It’s the one up effect. I’ll tell ya tho number 6shot will do it all everyday any day.
Anything else is just hype. If you have a shotgun and it’s under 40 it’s done if the gun is good.
Yeah you may get the extra ten yards/50 if you buy the super duper shells.. (way over priced)
But boys if it’s not under 30 fugg your gun! Your not doing it right!
Live long, laugh long.Life’s good!