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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm looking forward to getting out there for a few days with a gun. I enjoy the camaraderie of gun season... Hanging out with buddies, BSing with other hunters at a local diner, telling stories of years gone by... It's all a great time and unfortunately I think far too many deer hunters are getting away from that tradition. I have no problem with folks who simply prefer bowhunting. But the bowhunters that look down on gun season do irritate me. A lot of times it's the same guys wounding 2 or 3 deer a year with their bow, then complaining about the unethical slobhunters during gun week. I love bowhunting as much as anyone here. But knocking em down with a slug gun is pretty damn fun too.


Junior Member
The torch has been lit.....
To be honest, I find gun season boring. I sometimes hunt the first day, just because my buddy does. Hunting with my crossbow just feels right to me. I love the feeling of trying to ambush my quarry. Most deer I shot in my younger days with a gun had been jumped somewhere and came by just by chance. I no longer shoot does and by no means need the meat. I'll be doing things other than deer hunting next week.

To those of you going out, good luck and be safe.


Senior Member
Typically I like to be done by gun season but lately that has not been the case for one reason or another. For gun season, I’d prefer not to deal with people in the woods but on the other hand I like my gun to “bark” every couple years.


Junior Member
Lmao... well currently, I’m not able to drive or operate heavy equipment and I just woke up. (Fugg you Giles I know what your tinking🤣)

Anyhow today tonight is going to go full blown retard.Tommorow morning will be one of those days where your sitting out in the woods tapping your toes together saying theres no place like home.

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Junior Member
Oh forgot to mention the Vegas betting lines opened y
Up last night.

Currently we have a five dollar bet 3 shots two kills for the week. No takers yet on that bet... I’d almost take that bet against my buddy.. Yet I dunno... He’s pretty good. We shall see I probably will just to be dick.

Waiting on camp to fill up. The bets will be flowing tonight...
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