I’ve got 8 golden buff hens that just starting laying about a week ago. Now we’ve got eggs coming out of our ears and dumbass me is thinking “I need more chickens!” Lol. My neighbor buddy has a bunch of birds, and an incubator… I think we’re going to hatch a batch together this spring. I’ll also have another round of broilers going this spring, I think.
I haven’t had our birds outside yet, but I plan to do that when the weather straightens up. I have 2 very good bird dogs that are likely going to give the chickens some trouble. One (the younger one) is going to be less likely to kill them than my older dog. If it does happen, my approach will be simple… tie said dead chicken around the dog’s collar and let her wear it for 3 or 4 days. I’m fairly confident that will cure the problem. Lol
I haven’t had our birds outside yet, but I plan to do that when the weather straightens up. I have 2 very good bird dogs that are likely going to give the chickens some trouble. One (the younger one) is going to be less likely to kill them than my older dog. If it does happen, my approach will be simple… tie said dead chicken around the dog’s collar and let her wear it for 3 or 4 days. I’m fairly confident that will cure the problem. Lol