Wisconsin has been awesome so far. Of course just getting to hang with my new family is a absolute blessing. It still just blows me away that we finally found each other and we are enjoying the best things in life and to the fullest.
Yesterday my Mom, stepdad (Pat) and brother (Mikey) all went to their 40 acre wood for the opener. Mom and I sat in a luxurious sky blind that Pat and the kids help build this past summer. Im telling you right now. Sitting in a heated blind can spoil a guy real quick like. It has 3 shooting windows perched a little over 15' off the ground, and the blind is set on top of a ridge, so the view down through the woods is great.
You'd like to practice deer management, but the way its explained to me. If you see one and don't shoot it. It either gets shot by someone else, or it will get eaten by wolves or coyotes. So it's pretty much if its brown its down. Well once settled in a daybreak was coming it didn't take long and the deer started coming through. First was a spike that ended up meeting its demise once it got in front of Pat. Shortly after his passing through came 3 doe. I shot the largest of the 3. She went running with one of her front legs flopping. She ran of into the timber and disappeared, unfortunately to never be found. About a hour later another group of 3 came through. At this point we thought i had a doe on the ground, so this was Moms turn. She was planning on taking out the first 1 in the line. I should have kept my mouth shut. I told her that the last one was the biggest, she should try for it. That must have thrown her MOJO off cause after adjusting she ended up missing. Shortly after the button buck came strolling through, and I was told to drop him, so I did.
Mikey ended up shooting a spike buck also. So all total we downed 3.
So we're getting ready to head back out right now to see what else we can make happen. Then back to the house for a shrimp boil and deep fried turkey..