Where I hunt I spend very fews hours of hunting for the deer I take. I take one buck during archery. This year that took 2 hours for an 8 point. I like gun hunting with handguns or MLs so I wait till then to take a second deer. This year at my sportman's club it took 8 hours to take a doe only because the cap on my Rem 700 was part way off the nipple and did not fire. That other doe would have died after one hour of hunting. During the 8 hours 2 small bucks came by, oblivious to me. If I chose to hunt for a 3rd deer I would have gone back to the same spot. I could take many deer here in Gurnsey Co. We have a lot of them. I choose to take two, one for me, one for someone in our church who is tickled to get the deer. Not because they are needy, far from it, they just love venison. So I know I am blessed out here and can not relate to the don't see deer stories, true as they are.
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