A quick update. I spent most of the last week on stand. Hunted Sunday evening, Monday morning and evening, Tuesday evening, Thursday evening and Friday evening. Me and my pick-up both need a breather. I only had one encounter on Thursday evening. This week could have been titled The Griswold's Go Deer Hunting. One disaster after another. Between flat tractor tires, dead batteries, a mouse chewed wire on my tractors armature and a starter replacement I found plenty of stand time. My biggest blunder came on Thursday evening. Due to heavy clouds darkness came early that evening. I decided to slip out at 6:50 due to poor shooting light. I opened the back door on my creek bottom stand and removed the arrow from my crossbow. I tossed the arrow out the back door of the stand as I always do before taking my crossbow out of the shooting window. As the arrow hit the leaves I caught a flash of white to my right. Yep there I am, no arrow within reach and a buck jumps the neighbors fence headed right to me. All I could think is don't be the deer I had on camera on the 22nd at 6:20. Thank God is was just a six point that I had no intention of taking anyways.
The deer I caught on camera on the 22nd made my week. This deer I'll call S.O.S. (Son of Splitter). The resemblance is amazing, both split brows and split G 2"s are nearly identical to Splitters. I'm sure this deer is an offspring that Splitter sired. I'd love to hang him next to his daddy. If he walks in front of this stand while I'm there he will meet the same fate as Splitter did. Here he is, what do you fellas think?