Many years ago I was hunting deep in a thick nasty jersey swamp. Had to wear waders to cross 3 1/2 feet deep water to get to a small island that had many fingers jutting into the swamp. The deer used the waterways as travel corridors to avoid the thick undergrowth. They were very busy deer super highways! After shooting an average basket rack 8 pointer at about 11:00 am, I got down and gutted/tug the buck. I had to pack out my gear as I was sitting all day along with my muzzleloader….while dragging the deer through the swamp. When I finally hit the swamp edge, I had to continue through some pretty nasty brush. I got back to my truck at around 9:00pm. I was alot younger and in pretty good shape and that drag whooped me! I never hunted that stand again! It wasn’t worth the effort for a average buck and I had access to places that were a lot easier to hunt.